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  • Your Welcome Carrin Behr and Big Orange!                    






    God will give them their Just Punishments!!  They "think" they won, in the short run...But in the Long Run, they lost!!!


    Torture is illegal under both United States and international law. The
    Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment,
    and it states that treaties signed by the U.S. are the “supreme Law of the Land”
    under Article Six. The Geneva Convention and The Convention Against
    Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    prohibit torture and have been signed by the United States. These laws provide
    no exception for torture under any circumstances. Moreover, the United States
    Criminal Code prohibits both torture and war crimes, the latter which includes
    torture. The Army Field Manual prohibits the use of degrading treatment of

    The bar complaints have been signed by our board attorney, Kevin Zeese, who also directs the Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, and Voters for Peace.

    We ask other organizations to sign on to this campaign by sending an email to Individuals can sign on using the form below. This campaign will include a broad public relations push so we urge everyone to spread the word and for the press to contact us for comment and interviews.
    You can make targeted donations to this campaign at with an earmark comment in the box at





  • Thanks, for all your hard work. May the Lord be with you. 

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