Sexual stimulation

I was talking to another targeted individual today about what the perps do to us that is very subtle, but definitely there, and that is, when you are close to your children, they start to stimulate you sexually in order make you look like a child molester. This happens when I'm laying in bed (usually a hotel bed) with one of my kids, but it also happens when I am close to them or even looking at them sometimes. My immediate reaction is to think of the part of my brain that is damaged with illness, the part of the brain that produced so many terrible, terrible voices, this could be the same sort of thing that is happening to our brains with the sexual stimulation toward children, a way of turning on itself and trying to incriminate and ridicule. There is no doubt that the sexual pleasure and pain is extreme, and exceeds even the standards of illness, but the brain that is ill may do things backward, or get confused, the brain that is ill due to the targeting. One thing for sure, this will make us look awful in front of all of the media and many other people who are here watching, they would love to see me accused of child abuse in order to justify their targeting/torture. The thing that helps me is to get angry inside and tell the brain to not do this, think through the whole moment so that it rolls right off of me and I don't actually react to anything or reply to the stimulation.
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  • They do all kinds of things with anus, bowels, sex organs, every inch of us is controlled in some form or another, so yes, I can believe what you say, Scott, either as sex slaves or as the experiment they wish to have us go through in their weapons use.
  • jenny they can and do take thoughts from minds of others and transfer tham to targets,,for tis I do not know for shure if they can only do the ones they have illegally implanted ,or if they can do it at will to the public at large,
    they can deffinitlly twist your mind
  • I read you post. I just do not have a response. I am s surviving torture victim and No Man gets to lie. I am not my natrual height any longer and have damages done to my teeth. The State of Texas true billed the Dallas Texas agent in 2004. The Department of Justice was perverted durning my case. Thanks to the illegal medical malefesance of The Republican State officals willing to abuse power. Sprint PSC so mortified they gave me detailed phone records. I did not have that bit of forensic until State Public Offical lied violating me constitutionally against the Violence Against Womens Act - as well as the 8th amendment for cruel and usaul.
    Thought I can understand since I lived through the worse part of American history and "TSP" and I am not a terrorist.. nor did any Evils need to occur but they did. The Bush Adminstration stole the Bill of Rights 1st 4th, the 8th and 14th constitutional amendments. I wrote ( Poetry) and yes my words all directed at compassion for the global world.. Though two directed at the dark side... The International Drugstore Cowboys -- Then Paper City Paper Burn-- directed at how Men smuggle - drugs, children, money and those WORDS of Poetry -- had me Torture Raped... and phone records PROVE that in the Dallas Blacksite.. it was prolonged, violently, cruel, degrading, forced masterbastion and erotic humilation.

    In the best way to understand this EVIL... The Office of Legal Concuil Dawn Johnsen explains the illegal abuse...You Tube..

    The worse I am aware this is a cultivated mindset - that is ready willing and able to seek young female brainwash them then human traffick these young ladies... As I knw the entire network of agents as we are both each others threats... The agent I stole all those men information ands by the Power of the White Pages I know where Dallas agent James -- new apartment is... as the home 917 Tipperary Lane is NOT the Blacksite that agent lives at.. The Dallas Grand Jury heard who his BOSS was. As well as how I had no control over the lights, heating or coolness. It was the blacksite from hell where I told how the wiring in the home was rigged .. for slavery and sadism.

    These are Men that Teach boys ways that ARE harmful to women children and minorites...

    Teach your children STRANGER DANGER... even moreso with gang stalking and the abilty for technolgy and to easily track people and hunt like animals.. I lived it been there done it.. And everyday Pray that whatever backbone some men have pushing for a ful blown commission into this culture of corruption.

    Good V Evil

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