Sharing symptoms #3

Lately I have noticed an increased amount of the V2S. They have probably changed frequency or whatever they do...

Before it was, even if present all the time, subliminal, it all intensed when tapping water, the use of any electrical equipment that made a sound and at night when trying to sleep. Now it´s almost like in the beginning when targeted. They do the overhead talk nonstop now. And the intense in loudness when tapping water & other use electrical tools in not that intense, as if they do not need that so much now. I notice also that my hair & nails grows faster, my hair falls off-as it did also in the beginning of this horrific story, my heart beats faster and I´m in a more depressed mood (if you can ever be more depressed and sad from this, than I already was...)

Before they left me alone ocassionally, even if present in the background all the time. I could for instance watch TV without their talking for awile, now they interfere during that aswell. And when reading. 


I have during this, almost precisely a year as a victim noticed that I haven´t had one single cold or other illness at all. I normally, during my "other life", would have had at least one or two colds or virus illness during a year. When thinking about the lack of sleep all the time, it would have made me have a sore throat all the time in my "other life", and with a lot of colds as I usually had. The weather here in the North has been very raw and cold this year, so that should normally had add the possibility for me cathing the flu or a virus. But as said, nothing of that at all, as if they, either boost the immune system or something, as if the impact from a cold or flu could jeopardize the outcome from their attacks and/or if there are "neural prothesis" in body, this possible infection could effect them working properly?-just a theory, but I would like to know if any other of you here has recognized the same?//Annie

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