Diary Entry

Didn't sleep a wink; all night long heated and put in a wet sweat. Being hit hard to accelerate the aging process and undermine my God given beauty. I intend to continue writing about this and the tactics employed and post a few photos in next few days– there's a lot more going on with this than HEAT extremes although it's a major ingredient. They don't even turn it off when it's 80 degrees outside. Nano technology placed throughout my face. They have > how to destroy my God given beautiful porcelain skin < all worked out just like they’ve
done it all before. And, you can bet they have used this technique on more than a few targeted females in their never-ending quest to BREAK AND DESTROY target. The epidermis is heated with underlying dermis (tissue/collagen) destroyed. I believe they're using PEP technology or pulsed energy projectiles as opposed
to a microwave thermal weapon, but how could I possibly know really which weapon is being used on me.

Phone calls to Chris @ Freedom Fighters For America are not going through and other telephone calls and emails to ti's are being intercepted. They are able tap into and place an
electronic lock on any computer I use to control communications. My
Facebook page continues to be completely blocked and inaccessible
because they are deathly afraid my son and all of his many friends
and their parents finding out about the technology and what is going
on this and other countries. Blog posts have been deleted and access
blocked with Settings fixed so no one can view what I’ve
written. so, I will come up with a way to get around this even if I
have to contact each and every one of them personally giving them
access at another location on the internet.

As I write this, I am under neurological attack to my legs and joints which is all part and parcel of the Black Budget Program that has my name on it, or rather a number affixed thereto, as was customary in the Nazi
Concentration Camps as well as e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n and r e s e a r c h done in this country on victims of Plutonium at the height of the Cold War. The aim of the Black Budget Program with my # affixed thereto is to include plenty of good old fashioned p a i n and combine it with psychological warfare
designed to “break” targeted individual. I don't know about anyone else, but this is how my program is being implemented.
Pain is the primary component of all so-called “non-lethal” weaponry; that is
assuming it is not set to kill or they don't have in their hand
the heart attack weapon which comes in handy when it's time to dispose of those who are no longer useful or they can no longer handle the hassle.
ADS (Active Denial System) weaponry operates mainly on “ the transduction component by heating biological tissue to innervate epidermis and activate heat transducing proteins at a sub-tramatic level.” I don’t know what that means, but in layman’s language what they are doing with this assault weapon is attack the epidermis and vulnerable underlying collagen heating to a wet sweat and repeating it over and over and over for months on end to destroy layer of collagen which in turn grossly accelerates the aging process. They went to work on my hands, forearms and cleavage right away and then made the decision to go after my face because I was getting far too much positive feedback from far to many
strangers and they didn't like the attention I was getting.

My hands look skeletal and geriatric as well as my forearms and they didn’t neglect to include their signature brown spots while they were at it. This is no C02 laser they are using on me. I remember another women writing about the overnight creation of multiple brown spots- it is most definitely true and it’s done to undermine a woman’s confidence and self awareness. It is done to undermine and destroy an individual's total identity – just as the Nazi's shaved heads in their mind control E X P E R I m e n t a t i on. It’s not too difficult to figure out and, of course, it's always men who come up with these ideas……….. This is worth a lawsuit in and of itself. They are going to owe me one sizable sum of money to find the best cosmetic surgeon on the planet. It is a deliberate intentional criminal deed carried out with malice and forethought by little men with inadequate sexual apparatus.

The military/DOD is likely testing PEP technology on humans to determine bioeffects on the circulatory; cardiovascular; and nervous systems as well as damage to cell structure and tissues and everything else. Testing the limits
of exposure and brain research continues. The scientific community isn't talking much about long-term exposure to these weapons which target the nervous system. As far as cellular and tissue damage, that was likely established early on from the gross changes in appearance I am able to observe – THIS HIDEOUS WEAPONRY THAT IS USED TO GLORIFY

the work of weak evil little men and their mission obviously to control the universe and everyone in it.

http://www.sunshineproject.org/UFLpeoplezapper.pdf; http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/03/03/us_plasma_weapon/print.html;

Control and regulation of my urine has been taken over by a technician in remote location with special x-rays that allow him to know how often I can be harassed and kept racing back and forth to the bathroom by application of pressure to my bladder. (PRESSURE a defining capability of PEP technology as is
HEAT and DAMAGE) To sum iit up, this bodily function no longer requires me to be present.

Bowel function has also been taken over and is controlled in much the same way with the use of x-ray equipment and technology capable of applying pressure to colon. I have the idea that by keeping the colon swiped clean of all healthy bacteria, it leaves the colon wide open for opportunistic germs.

My low back was implanted in June, '08 at the same time I was remote surgically implanted throughout my uterus and sexual organs. It seems like yesterday being pinned to the bed without moving a muscle when the
technician doing the procedure was having some difficulty and called
in a sadistic supervisor who took over the job. Even so, it ended
up having to be done a 2nd time the following night
because it was tied so tight I couldn't move my bowels and
they needed to release the hold. Altogether this procedure was tried
and tied three times. The spot they clipped was to my coccyx.
Since that time, control of my bowels could be undertaken.

It has occurred to me lately the National Institutes of Health and/or other academic medical research facilities such as U C San Francisco Medical Center, may be working hand in
hand with these rogue elements of the Military/ Industrial/ Corporate
Complex and CIA/ NSA agents and agencies. Perhaps, for example, researching Colorectal (bowel) cancer
and the bioeffects of long-term direct hit radiation exposure. Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most deadly cancer in the world, and these covert criminals work over my bowels around the clock. It is entirely
possible they could be setting me up for this type of cancer so I have made note of it. They
could have experimental drugs they're just itching to try out on
Unwitting Human Subject Research Study guinea pigs – or some other
scenario. It also occurred to me that in 2004 I had
a colonoscopy and afterwards as I was leaving, there was a
suspicious individual in the waiting room. .. the same type situation
each time I went to the dentist. That's a whole other
story I should write a book about. Someone mentioned that I could
have been implanted during the colonoscopy. The vultures who
conduct these hideous, beyond evil, covert criminal
acts probably do multiple avenues of r e s e a r c h on many of us.
I'm not the only American citizen whose life these thugs have hijacked
and are making huge sums money off of. Other experimental r e s e
a r c h
being done on this American citizen without her consent
includes being used for Synthetic Telepathy; Nano Technology and
Behavioral Modification -Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno
and as it pertains to Cyborgs and Androids; i.e.,
Stanford Research Institute and certainly the long-term bioeffects of
this electromagnetic radiation technology.


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  • I can't go into my experience with the dentist. Writing about it would infuriate me too much and unlike everything else I write about, it's not something people can learn anythingfrom. And, I don't have a punching bag. I'm not shy about exposing to the world exactly the kinds of things this technology is capable of doing and keeping quiet about it doesn't do our cause any good. I'm convinced there are thousands if not tens of thousands of us that this is happening to. I will just say that each time I went to the dentist there was a creep in the waiting room with me and my dentist was definitely programmed /influenced the last time I saw him. This guy was bright and Ivy League... I just don't know how they do it. . He was like under hypnosis. But, then again, look at the German ss - these guys, many of them, came from the top German University and were highly educated.... I just think - we're in trouble, folks. This is God Only Knows Serious Stuff that's going on. It's like last week I was having a coffee in Borders and in comes a young man with a striking resemblance to one of my nephews. I had to do a double take. As I was leaving Borders, I no sooner was out the door when there was my newphew coming towards me on his way into Borders. Obviously, my nephew had been subliminally programmed but the stranger - how do they find people who look like other people and coordinate a plan such as that? How are they able to do these things? It happens often. They will toy with me to see if I can tell the difference between two people who have a strikingly similar appearance.... it's not likely they have a data base filed with facial features or then again maybe they do have something of the sort. Getting back to my dentist with whom I had an excellent working relationship, the last time I saw him was (5) yrs ago when he seemed to be kind of in a trance... asked me to open my mouth and began poking around in the gum of a molar tooth until I asked what the heck he was doing... I probably have some kind of nano chip packed into the gum tissue of #33. He asked me if I had completed the crown on a particular tooth which which was an odd question because it had been done quite some time ago. Because of the guy in the lobby, I knew intuitively why he was asking even though I didn't have a clue 5 yrs. ago of what was going on except a bunch a strange inexplicable occurrences and being under some sort of surveillance.
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