Shielding from Lasered Solar Ions

Forget these nsa demons and get outside and enjoy the outdoors.

1)To ruin the control perps have with heated solar ions try cooling pads and bandanas.

2)Deflect laser to hypothalamus temperature control with a large metal pin on front of bill of hat or a dust mask with copper ground wire decorating or a metal shoe horn or all and this will help to block access thru nose.

3)Mylar with the silver facing out deflects heat away.

4)Soak silk bandanna in water and put under hat covering to neck to hamper laser to cerebellum entry.

Photon spectrum :


"..neither sun nor any scorching heat will burn them: because the Lamb, who is the center of the throne, will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." Rev. 7:16-17 (TEV)

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  • Thru nose and top of skull are the main entry points to hypothalamus and temperature manipulation. This takes into account you already have on hat and head protection. I wear a hat lined with VHS tape and silk and tin foil and have another lined with copper screen with copper pennies and metal trading pins. I have been attacked while wearing both and the copper works the best. I have a trading pin that I stick on the middle of the bill of my hat that they hate. If they make you forget something twice then it probably works.

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