sidereal litigation psychic primer


The only thing that differentiate us from the serious to the male female genotype is given by the sexual programming, depends on the species distintas.Los characteristics humans share 96% of the genome with chimpancé.Es say we are animals with a very reptilian behavior close. What differentiates us is a very small part of the physical and what we are sending to our consciousness teleportation quantified to be different.
Another high benchmark tells us: The scientific name of the bonobo is Pan paniscus. As 98% of the DNA is identical to that of the Homo sapiens

Adversity can be overcome only with the spirit! And that they have succeeded in creating a electromagnetic aura in the chimpanzee likely that physically modified to create an animal hominido.Un uses violence to overcome obstacles or flight, but the hominid began thinking to solve. The spirit is linked to the sacred that not religion. Being able to think and choose is a sagrada.Pero release there are people who prefer to live in precarious reptilian behavior with the intelligence to harm a human being. That is, they have not given us the intelligence to have a destructive behavior but to be like our parents ... and scientific care of our habitat.

What differentiates a man from a woman is sexual animalistic traits, but the reptilian behavior is the same. If we would think like beasts only the strongest would win.

For the intelligence involved it has to change the time / space and accelerate the cognitive system.
That makes them aware of right and wrong that each individual can reflect and. Then there are the biorhythms that differentiate men from women. The woman is more likely to know states of consciousness through the highs and lows that have given period. If you only know the sky you can not understand the hell. Men do not have that ability, they are flat. To learn you have to drop a stink over moment and then reflect and rectify. A woman can identify and rectify emotional states before they happen. So the female is so important to take care of the tribe.
The fact is that there is currently a SIDERAL Gazpacho of PRIMER PSYCHIC everywhere with everyone, and we have fucked.
"A meme (or mem) is, in theories of cultural diffusion, theoretical unit of information cultural1 transmissible from one individual to another or from one mind to another, or from one generation to the next. It is a neologism coined by Richard Dawkins in the Selfish Gene (The selfish gene), the phonetic similarity with 'gene' gen Englishman in language and to point out the similarity with 'memory' and 'mimesis' "

We got screwed because we have confused everyone, and we can not help us without speaking out of mind control.

Each culture gives a different fruit and be treated separately.
And moreover there is now a global business selling cognitive limbo humans. 's Air space and if we must turn to denounce chief of which is defense. But needless friends, because we have something more fun, the electron, for an electromagnetic limbo needed to destroy chemical and physical matter with radiation. I mean we have it more affordable, we only have to show that we are destroying the electrons to generate light and use the PET remotely view ... and took a lot of people.

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