Why many victims no longer respond to emails? (mailbox) They are touchy? they are angry? Are you frustrated? Health is compromised and is no possible to wrote? Or they are snob? I don't know. Nothing emails O_o
I do not understand this attitude. After a few years, some victims become absent.Apparently, they seem bothered and nothing emails
They are usually government officials, who do not give answers to the letters. it is normal that the victims become as officials who have written? ICR, European Council, FBI, etc.
Touchy, no smile. They become like old apathetic.
I will not go into this mental trap. Despite my situation a disaster, no one will steal my smile.
The gangstalkers I will become a victim "deaf mute" and angry with all the world. Are the perps who want to change your character.
They want you to become a victim "deaft-dumb" and nothing emails.
- Deaft because why do not you read.
- Dumb because you do not answer.
In Europe, many victims do not speak English.
For them, write in English is triple fatigue. If, subsequently, to a specific question, does not even get a response is worse and gangstalkers won.
After a few years, they all become a bunch of touchy shrewish.
This strategy of stalker, you have contaminated?
You have become touchy? Surly? Apathetic? Angry at all? It means that gangstalkers won.
The problem of social networks is the tone. Often, the tone of the messages, emails and comments
is misunderstood by personal selfishness. The study of psychology is crucial to our community.
As we all victims in mind kontrol with a side of perps, nervousness and stress is greater and the tone are plus consusional.
The possibility of misunderstanding the tone is greater. I think exceed 50%.
According to the study that was published Nicholas Epley, a psychologist at the University of
Chicago [6] in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology [7], we understand perfectly the
tone of an email in only 50% of cases, although we expect that to happen much more often. The
study, carried out on 60 students arranged in pairs, revealed that each interpreted the tone of the
email according to your mood of the moment. For Epley it depends on a form of selfishness and
inability to break your mood perceptions surrounding. As shown in this study, in emails which
causes misunderstandings, and can give rise to conflict situations. A fortiori, in a situation of chat or
forum, where the mediation of the interaction is added to the speed with which we interact, the
misunderstandings are even more likely.
Source wikipedia http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flame