[...] La frise chronologique de Ray Kurzweil date le moment ou un superordinateur sera plus puissant qu'un cerveau humain, et pourra alors le simuler : c'est une méthode envisagée pour créer une intelligence artificielle, utilisée surtout dans le projet Blue Brain.
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I think you were chosen for reasons other than your beliefs. They just use your beliefs as a tool, and the opposing 'Warlock/satanist' perseciters are a reflection of the tool/belief you have. You would have been chosen if you were a Buddhist or an Athiest. Only then they would have reflected your beliefs back at you differently.
All the same, it is hard to handle. It is good to note that after about 5 years they let up on me considerably, so in some cases time makes a difference. It may be this way for you-it may get better at any time!
I am sorry I dont intend to be brief. It can be very difficult to deal with psycological torture long term. Find a way to survive and hold on until we can stop this. I think you might appreciate the priciples found in what Spartacus posted here...http://www.extropy.org/principles.htm
Principes extropiens
Sue and Carrin, I agree with you.
Big Al, I cannot approve your speech , even if there are aspects which seem utopian.
Technology been always applied and tested on populations as guinea pigs, as well human as animal and plant.
the said technological advances have a report so much badly when they trust the indépendents researchers, which are not financed by lobbys, are disastrous as well for the man and the baby age to see the embryo, and what is transmitted to him, until disturbances of honeybees, birds, cilmatic and environementals.
There would be very long to say about it.
As long as they will have a mobile phone permanently on us (and I also imagine implants which issue waves also) is a radioactive garbage can which they carry on us, to see in us, permanently!
I assume that you carry your domestic garbage can on you, you leave it or in a room far from the poor smells outside, but you like you will permanently become a central point of pollution EM because science will have after a lot of genocides, torments, compelled in all type and denaturation of the living being to create condition to allow this.
God or not God, it is useless to come a bullet always in the foot, under pretexte that this shall be able to make life such a dream or a simple video game.
Even if for sure the transhumanisme will be can be advantageous, this will be only an insignificant part and not for all.
Raw materials, simply are needed, and there will not be as all, if have uninterrupted to use it.
Nature at need to be maintained if one please continue counting, then over unless you also stick on the fact that there is too crowded on the planet so that a handle of reaching recover wealth worldwide?
Furthermore there is also a side of legitimacy fabricated to introduce the transhumanisme, by the help to the disabled persons, because the most part have incurable diseases and are not treated at good instant to see created by medicaments or others so that it is the child or else the following generation which is disabled persons.
As would say Alim Louis Bénabid: Find an illness me me would treat on you to her.
(this saying says a lot there: make people sick man to maintain a abounding lobby BIG PHARMA!)
For the medical advances one be able to throw a good half of medicaments which are of use for nothing, if it is not to transmit side effects, (the silver coloïdal which was before the explosion of chemistry for sale in chemist's shop, in the fifties, which eradicates more than 650 microbes and germs, to name only this one)
I do not say that all advances are harmful, but seen that there is no principle of circumspection, respecting a true morality anywhere, I shall not in good conscience risk passing good judgment on the transhumanisme.
I would say even that I am in war with him, and it is it which began!!
Big Al, does not see this as an offense, in my part towards you, but for me the change of physical body, serves only has regulate the problem of consanguinity of ruling elites.
And I do not approach paedophilia and incest or zoophilie. But can be that I see passing far, not rather big.
The transhumanisme it is what?
A building, therefore a mechanism, your speech makes me think in of one knees which would like to be an eye or a red fish. Or else a bolt which would like to be a touch screen last generation.
Morals: they have all a place and to want to exceed lines without thinking of consequences chaos becomes established very quickly.
Sue, as to where the line gets drawn; I see that line far, far off into different dimensions. I see interdimensional travel as right around the corner and I see absolutely no reason why we should draw a line against it. As long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. This is different than thinking of perps. That is important to note! I have ALWAYS made it a point to say that YOUR right to choose not to partake in Transhumanism should be respected. I get the feeling that since no one has responded that they would grant me my right to choose FOR Transhumanism, you would take that right away. When you talk of IMPOSING your disdain of the idea on me by saying, "Well, I personally dont see it as natural so, You cant do it either Al." YOu see it does not seem unnatural to me at all. No more unnatural than the contacts I wear to help me see better. I will get lazer surgery to make my eyes better when I can afford it. These are things I have a right to, just as I have a right to seek to better myself through other technology. It is not unnatural to me-it is inevitable.
It is one aspect of global energy that Transhumanists address: the need for sustainable energy sources that are compatible with our environmental stability. Also, human rights are a concern for transhumanists, as equal access to technology for all is the goal.
What do Christians teach regarding these things? If the earth is the be burned up in the day of GOds wrath, why be concerned about the environment? And if God is coming to separate the sheep from the goats, why would we bother trying to change our fellow by enacting laws or teaching ethics in schools?
Climate change is an example of overuse of fossilfiels. Itis one example of how things go wrong.
But, there are many examples of things that go right, like advancements in medicine and technological advancements that can help blind to see and deaf to hear. There are tech advances that may help cure eating disorders. Tech advances like the smart phone makes information access easy and mobile, as well as communications. And it may be that there will be set backs on the way to the future, but I for one dont want to breath my last breath until my brain flow can be transmitted into a structure that can hold me until I choose another physical body, If I chose a physical body at all.
I think the real question is; If we as individuals,had the power to enact laws, Would you make Trans-humanism illegal for everyone? Or would you make it legal to choose for yourself?
You see some would say , "I dont like Trans-humanism. It is against the laws of nature and gods laws. SO I dont want it to be legal for me, or my neighbor even if that neighbor would choose Transhumanism for themselves." This is my concern. It is not the personal viewpoint that others have for themselves, but what they might impose upon others. Viewpoints will vary greatly and all are valid. It is when we infringe upon the rights of others that a problem occurs.
Carpe diem. In an approach ' " Technological trans-humanist " at once, I would rather want to say: BE MADE, FOR THE REALIZATION OF THEM "!"... EVOLUTION. "Ideology"....
The human being is also endowed with good senses(directions), contrary to this obligation. What I tend to look in reason: do not sink into this pernicious stratagem. It is sad, You are generous! Not acceptable. For old testimonies of more than thirty years; some, it is really about a change in their life. Essentially not very positive nothing less that that the abuses psychology technological.
[…] You wish to live a traditional life and to assume(accept) no change, so that die you from a traditional death and of Explore
The investments, the stakes (contracts over centuries of existence), has the card(map)! Yes believe that will still persist the democratic pomelos ? I shall die, shall not explore.
Sue, If I think like you do, I will NEVER succeed. On the other hand, If I look for the axioms (do you know what an axiom is?) That point to their course of action leading to their ultimate destruction, or worse, they take on the form of their current slaves then they may change their current course of action to avoid a course leading to their destruction. By understanding information theory and its implications, as well as the fact that time will eventually be manipulated by intelligent beings, I believe I have a real chance at getting to that point of power before they do. Thus, I would be in control of their future.
Transhumanism is being out down because of fear of it. I have given it some thought and I dont see higher intelligence as being a threat to people who are not harmful to it. After all, in our own quest for higher intelligence, we as a whole, have come to understand the importance of treating people equally. SO it will likely be that a higher intelligence, whether an AI or a Transhumanist, will already understand higher forms of thinkers. Our ability to create would have given birth to the higher forms so that in itself would be proof of our right to equal treatment. Thus we as humans are not likely to be simply over run by higher intelligence even if we choose to remain as wholly traditionally human. This relationship we will likely have will lead toa changeing future very very quickly. Inter-dimensional doors will be opened and we will be able to travel without time, or travel into and out of other universes.
SO may things are said to tear down the idea of advancement. Its all based on fear. Like I hear some say sex will be done away with. This is not likely to be true. The pleasure we get from anything, Will likely be expanded upon rather than being removed. For instance, If a strictly digital representation of your being cannot 'feel'sexual gratification, organic bodies created with a dreamlike state drafted from your mind, then you could enter this body to fully feel the bio-chemical responses that organic bodies feel, then you could partake in that form of pleasure. You could experiemnt with differnet types of bodies without fear of any moral god judging your actions. They would all be your bodies and the process would include other higher intelligent life form that would agree to rules and regulation governing the situations partners would partake in.
The possibilities are endless, and those who are in fear on Trans-humanists dont have enough imagination to think beyond their own simple existence.
I see humanity as always changing. WE were once animals, and had changed from something toher than that even. I would say we as humans have a better life than animals because of those changes we were able to make. SO it is with our ability to use our imaginations in building technology. To take part in directing our own Evolution! WE can choose what changes we make in our advancement.
I wish to have many physical bodies that lie in a state of dream, Dreaming dreams according my consious pattern so as to accpet me wholly when I enter. I want male bodies, female bodies, Killer whae or dolphin bodis. I want to take on the shpae of a bear and ru n through the forrest.
I also, want you to be able to choose. If you wish to live a traditional life and take on no changes, so that you die a traditional death and explore what may(or may not) happen when you die. I think ALL should have those choices. I do not want to take away your choice, DO you want to take away mine?
It is sad that currently technology is misused and we are forced to take part. This may not always be the case. SOmeone who appreciates humanity may come along and open access to all equally. HOw then would you react? If they could cure mental health disorders with it? Would you take advantage? Or would you stay ill because it is new-change?
I am not resigned to being a TI. I have my own wepons of war, and if accomplished, Those who make themselves my perps will then make themselves my followers. I plan to take full advantage of what the machinery has to offer on my behalf.
Beware that your belief in god isnt just a placebo for a real affliction.