I think every T'i if they can? Should sleep in the day. At night we are making it wayyyyy to easy for the perps tech to attack us wiv their shite!. Because there are a lot less frequencies to contend wiv for them to match b4 they attack us!. From my own experience as a T'i . I kno I av far more sleep in the day. This is down to thousands of frequencies going on outside & around us naturally. I really dnt think their tech is soooooo advanced?!... If their tech was of alien origin? Then 'they' wud av measures put in place for their tech to get past 432hz or similar frequencies which can interfere wiv their tech that benefits us on Earth as a Human Being. But this is not the case!. I can make up any new frequencies in Hertz or MHz just by using a simple phone app & I can piss um off in an instant!!! They say their tech goes back years?! But years ago there was no 2g 3g 4g or anything equivalent or advanced so called frequencies. Well u cud say that the frequencies were all along there & around us. But there was no machine or so called tech to turn them frequencies in2 something that cud attack us??? The answer lies in only on wot our body runs at. That is MHz.. There is that much talk of this & that? Or cud be's?? That its exhausting to think about the wot ifs??? Let's approach somebody in the field who can measure our very own body's signature & take it from there. If we dnt no our signature? We av no defence now or no defence in any more advanced DEW in the future!!! We will always suffer. This is only my opinion. Take care's TI's ;)