In 2011,Smart Meters were discovered to be funded by the “US Armed Forces Research and Development Projects” , with a 300 Million dollar grant to NV electric company, located in Las Vegas, Navada.



Why is the government funding the Smart Meter project?  The government does not fund projects of this magnitude without something in it for them. Lets start out asking ourselves, why would the government fund a project that is blatantly hazardous to humans, our environment and our eco-system? Lets take a look see, at the hazards to the human body from this government funded Smart Meter;



Symptoms from Radiation Caused by Smart Meters are listed below;

  • Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)
  • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
  • Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head
  • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing
  • Concentration, memory or learning problems
  • Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness
  • Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems
  • Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes,
  • Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain
  • Leg cramps, or neuropathy
  • Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains
  • Nausea, flu-like symptoms
  • Sinus problems, nose bleeds
  • Respiratory problems, cough, asthma
  • Skin rashes, facial flushing
  • Urinary problems
  • Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in menstrual cycle
  • Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior
  • Seizures
  • Recurrence of cancer




Additional Radiation Symptoms that Could be Experienced;

  • Destruction of your immune system (Finding yourself coming down with many different types of infections). 
  • Hemmoraging (Bleeding from places such as your gum line, from your bowels or bladder, intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding in your brain from ruptured blood vessels or capularies), you can tell if you are intracranial hemorraging if you have sudden blood shot eyes, "Menorrhagia" which is severe heavey menstral bleeding.
  • Green Stool.  Radiation can cause "Rapid intestinal transit" which in turn leads to malabsorption of nutrients.
  • Buzzing, Clicking or Ringing in your ears.  Buzzing noise is described to sound like a Bumble Bee flying by your ear, ringing is a high pitched ringing sound, clicking sounds like an oven heating up when it clicks as the temperatures rise.
  • Burns on skin.  These burns look like and feel like a sun burn on steriods and can take weeks to heal.
  • Sloughing of your skin. An example would be, your in the shower and you itch a part of your body, the top layer of your skin sloughs off under your nails and pieces of the top layer of skin balls or clumps up. This is how you can recognize this.
  • Petechiae (peh-TEE-kee-ay)  Pin point blood dots that are visable under your skin.  Another form of hemmoraging from leaking blood vessles near the surface of your skin.
  • Cold or Flu like symptoms.  Mainly nasal and chest congestion symptoms.
  • Calcium Ion Homeostasis and Electrolyte Imbalances.  Mainly calcium and potassium
  • Ulcerated EsophagusUlcers that are lined throughout your esophagus.   Inflamed, sore Throat or esophagusThe onset of ulcers can suddenly appear over night or could happen over a longer duration.
  • Blurred Vision. (On and off)
  • Immune thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-si-toe-PE-ne-ah),  In most cases, an autoimmune response is thought to cause ITP. Normally, your immune system helps your body fight off infections and diseases. But if you have ITP, your immune system attacks and destroys its own platelets. The reason why this happens isn't known. (Bleeding in the brain as a result of ITP is very rare, but can be life threatening if it occurs)
  • Frequent urination. If your getting hit with large doses of radiation, frequent urination can occur.
  • Severe itching, all over body.
  • Menorrhagia

Source; Symptoms experiencd at one time or the other by my daughters and or myself

by T.S.



More Symptoms or Effects; (Some symptoms may be repeated but with extra important information from a different source)

  • Immune system impairment by EMR
  • Melatonin Reduction (Causing sleeping difficulties).
  • Oncogene Activity
  • Neoplastic Transformation of Cells
  • DNA strand breakage
  • Chromosome Aberrations
  • Neurological Interactions
  • Biological Mechanisms
  • palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath
  • sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
  • skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.
  • pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.
  • headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint, leg/foot pain, “Flu-like” symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.
  • Adult cancer, tumors, childhood leukemia, breast cancer, DNA strand breakage, abnormal cell division, nerve damage, MS, ALS, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, brain damage, melatonin reduction, miscarriages
  • digestive problems, abdominal pain, enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain, dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes, great thirst, dehydration, nosebleeds, internal bleeding, altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities, redistribution of metals within the body, hair loss, pain in the teeth, deteriorating fillings, impaired sense of smell, ringing in the ears.





Will be continued later on the evening of Oct 18th or Oct 19th 2012.....To be continued....



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