Today, I held my head with my left hand as the extreme pain pounded on. Billions of nanodevices course all over the scalp, digging deep at an area on the frontal portion of the scalp where I woke up in 2010 clean shaven, coating my entire face and saturating the throat. The torture surveillance aircraft never far away from my body, in order to always ensure a steady infliction of the pain. But I had to watch the debate, cast my voice, and watch them lose in a vindication of everything that I have stood for. In a vindication of Edward Snowden. In a vindication of Glen Greenwald. But it is only the begin. 

So as they continue to torture me tonight, drilling nanodevices into the open scalp sores that the chronic vibrations implemented at high pressures and high signal intensities have created, I swear to stand the ground that the victory of this debate hands me and all the persons tortured by their governments and proxy states to those governments tonight, using remote, electromagnetic and scalar weapons systems on innocents under the pretext of national security.

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