You will find an excellent explanation of the three systems of law that operate in this world at the following link
If you haven't time to listen to it I have synopsized it here below as follows:-
1. Common Law - The law that governs men in relation to each other on land.
2.. Maratime Law - Maratime law governs ships at sea and how they interact with each other.
3. Admiralty Law - Admiralty law governs the interaction between a skipper and the crew members on ships Admiralty law also governs corporate citizens because corporations are deemed to be ships under law and their citizens are deemed to be the crew on ships.
All commerce and all corporations operate under shippig law. A corporation is considered to be a ship for the purposes of legal transactions. If you wish to be on the sea you must be incorporated with a vessel. A corporation is considered a ship under Admiralty law. The captain of that corporate ship is a magistrate in a court room.
When you become a citizen of a corporation you become subject to the same laws as a crew member on a ship which are Admiralty laws. In the distant past before the 1920's national governments were corporations and those national governments had their own lands. However, in the 1920's a new type of corporation was legally created by individuals who are unknown to most. These new types of corporations were not derived from nations and they had no land of their own . However, they are still bound by this thing called Admiralty Law. Because they were not derived from nations and because they had no land they were pirate corporations. They were international corporations and an example of one such pirate corporation is the United Nations. These international corporations are communes and communism is their ruling system. These international corporations operate under military dictatorship. Hitler, Stalin and Polpot etc were the magistrates of private international corporations. They were brutal dictators who ruled through fear.
When you become a citizen of an international corporation you are no longer considered a human being because a citizen of an international corporation is considered a creature or an animal with no human rights.
The commonwealth of Australia is considered an international corporation where the citizens have no human rights. The commonwealth of Australia is registered to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission which is a company of the United Nations. The United Nations is an international corporation which has no land so its citizens are considered creatures or animals with no human rights. The United Nations is a pirate international corporation and it depends on all of the corporations that have joined it to accept the equitable title of those lands, but it doesn't have any land itself. Therefore the United Nations is a total and absolute fiction.
If you have become a citizen of an international corporation with no human rights you must surrender your citizenship or your crewmanship. If you can support yourself without help from governments and if you then successfully surrender your citizenship you will go from being a crew member on the ship to being a passenger on the ship. The crew member has no human right but the passenger has enormous legal power. As a passenger on a ship you hold directive power. You direct the captain of the ship.
When you are born you are given two certificates.
1. Your state birth certificate.
2. Your certificate of birth. Your certificate of birth is the original setting up of the trustee ship which puts you as a benefactor of that trustee ship. As a passenger or benefactor of that trustee ship the captain of the ship is your trustee, and the crew are the trustees of the captain.
When giving your date of birth, you are not giving your own date of birth but instead you are giving the date of birth of your surname.
If you can stand alone without having to accept a benefit from an international corporation you have a greater chance of stepping back from being a crew member on a ship to being a passenger on a ship. A corporation is a business and its only motive is profit. Its only motive is to stay afloat. It is not interested in the safety of the crew. it may want to cull its crew. It has no mercy. If you interfere with the profit margins of the corporate ship which you are a crew member of you will pay the price for doing so. You may be culled.
There are now giant corporation on earth that own most of the resources of the earth between them. Among them are Blackrock, Vanguard, Birkshire Hathaway, State Street, among others. These giant corporations are called the Nephilim.