I suffered torture for several long years so I came to discover some simple things that can decrease the intensity of torture though not totally eliminate it. These are not technologically advanced ways to counter electromagnetic torture but just commonsense ways to decrease its intensity. Importnat thing to remeber is that they charge the outer part of our skull, face and to some extent the inner part of our mouth. They want to charge all the areas that encircle the brain. Our hair get charged and also any dust and foreign particles that settle on them. Here are some points to alleviate this.1. If you feel that you are being charged, wash your face, hair and skull with soap and cover them with thick soap foam for a minute. It will for time being give instant relief, and they will have to recharge the outer part of your skull and face again. One reason for this may be that dust particles that settle on our head and face get charged and aid them in controlling us.Also brush your teeth frequently as any food particles that remain in mouth get charged and aid them in controlling you.2. We do not usually know but our nose and ears are very important conduits for transfer of electromagnetic waves to outer parts of brain. If you are suffering extreme torture, you should try putting compressed cotton in your ears. It really helps and deprives them of a medium to control some parts of the brain. I would mention again that you should try using new cotton everyday because they continue to charge the cotton but some frequencies are blocked. It just decreases their ability to torture . When I try this, several time I literally hear a strong pulsating sound indicating that they are charging the cotton at some high frequencies.3. Keep your hair as short as possible. They get charged very easily. All of us love to look good and have our own hairstyle, but getting rid of torture is more important.4. If you are on voice to skull, never pay any attention to them. This is very important. When people listen to them, it becomes very easy for them to re-wire the brain. When people do not listen and continue to do things as usual, our brain continues to use regular neuro-transmitters we always had and natural activity of our brain interfers with their ability to re-wire our brain. This is more important than you think.Best regards,Ahsan Amin