Long about the time that I realized I was a target, my parents used to tell me that their teenage son would get the one ring phone calls that were from his girlfriend that meant that he should call her, and he denied this and of course they didn't believe him, and still don't, they are in active denial of anything related to this. What that is is satellite telephone, like a back current that makes your phone ring and no one is there, it is computer-generated, I get this too, I get it just about everywhere I go: the grocery store, at work, other places. Its the same thing that makes street lights go off when we are near them. So, its safe to say that my parents are also targeted. They have fought with the static on their phone, and will never admit that its anything other than what the phone company can fix. The static on the phone is from the satellite telephone, its from eavesdropping on us, tracking us, monitoring us. They have bought many phones to remedy the situation, never in a million years will they believe that we are all targeted. I thought at one time that I had them, the bad guys. My mother's Buick had a built-in security detection system and when I pulled into their garage with this car, the lights started flashing, as if someone was trying to break in. I thought it was detecting the satellite. I went crazy for awhile and even called the police, but no one answered there and I didn't leave a message.The radio and television are watching us through this surveillance, and its insane what its like, like having someone right there mocking your last thought, or dream. Its a nightmare really. All of these people are a part of the surveillance because they are actively on the receiving end, its like it takes two people to make a form of communication, well, they are the 3rd party, the second party goes into some government complex for unknown purposes, the 3rd party gets the knowledge as it happens too, only doesn't have a purpose, only to know something that is important, namely, OUR LIVES. Really, I am the first party of everything and what I say, do, think, act, dream becomes some kind of feed that the receiving parties can then react to, use, destroy, feed off of or discard. The receiving parties know that this is just life, but they are often times startled and stunned and want to find reasons for the surveillance, as if we are all criminals and deserve such treatment, they look at us like caged animals or prisons who can't be trusted, they have seen our dreams, come on!