someone asked me to tell "my story"

lately i have felt that this international system re: direct energy psychotronic weaponswas an onslaught on the senses -- and also one of the last barriers to real democracy and strides for peace.It's a combination of technologies and programs.the Ground Wave Emergency System is a device that is said to be 'for the coordination of military personnel.'guess what its foundational arrays are? CELLULAR PHONE TOWERS.that's right.i think that i may be I grew up i spent years standing in front of the microwave waiting for dishes. i wish in the coming year to excise microwave prepared meals from my life...HAARP is well known. Less well known is the HIPAS, its far more powerful partner in irradiating the lower ionosphere.Last year in December the United States was the sole holdout in acknowledging the need for climate change.The GOP in the United States are DESPERATELY anti-intellectual because -- they have so many dirty things going on.Literally -- if psychotronic technology is making people mentally numb, and not trusting their own brains...the dirtiest secrets of the Bush family are virtually protected as those who would have reacted are neutralized mentally - except for a few. Disgusting.The Ground-Wave EmergencyNetwork (GWEN) System{Editor's Note: GWEN towers are popping up everywhere in America; rural, hilltops, mountain areas, suburbs, and cities. The cover story is that they're supposed to be used for cell phone communications, but as this article reveals, Big Brother has something far more insidious in mind. ..Ken Adachi]Forward by Byron WeeksWritten by Val Valerian Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) is a communications system that the military is in the process of constructing as we speak. It operates in the very-low-frequency (VLF) range, with transmissions between 150 and 175 kHz. This range was selected because its signals travel by means of waves that have a tendency to hug the ground rather than by radiating into the atmosphere. This signal drops off sharply with distance - a single GWEN stations transmits in a 360 circle to a distance of 250 to 300 miles. The entire GWEN system consists of approximately 300 such stations spread across the United States, each with a tower 300-500 feet high. The stations are from 200 to 250 miles apart, so that a signal can go from coast to coast from one station to another. When the system is completed around 1993, the entire civilian population of the United States will be exposed to the GWEN Transmissions. Read Appendix 4 and then re-read this section.>there's a link to possible HEALTH HAZARDS of the GWEN.I understand that people are overwhelmed with info. still...trying to learn all you can can make the difference, soon, one would hope...i have sort of been hitting a wall in striving to translate scientific articles into simple to comprehend articles for the average reader who lacks degrees in neuroanatomy psychiatry and psychology and electronic engineering. I don't have any of those degrees either......yet I do understand that those who are applying these technologies for international covert domination intend to "fuck people's minds" as hard as they can -- so that no one can think to do anything to impede their conspiracy.why, oh why, is "conspiracy" such a loaded word? because conspiracy is at the root of the use of these new technologies to mentally limit and dampen. of COURSE it is. But -- one of the signs of a properly "washed brain" is that the brainwashed INSIST that it is IMPOSSIBLE that their brains have been washed. While you watch the soap bubbles squeeking out of their the United States, COINTELPRO (COunter INTELlligence PROgram) was created to stifle independent views and the burgeoning "counterculture" of the 1960s. When it was exposed and broken to the mass media the U. S. Federal Gov't announced -- this is really scary to me, everyone -- that they had discontinued the project.They lied about that...they kept right on with it. In the United States today peace activism is in a dead region where lots of people get together and accomplish NADA -- they get officially rounded up, beaten and peppersprayed and jailed and change NOTHING -- because they are still using the failed tactics that got people beaten down in the 1960s. THAT was and remains the effect of COINTELPRO, a program made to neutralize utterly the famous antiwar activism of the 1960s.I was among those marching in the months before the WTC disaster and in the months after it. I got tired of hearing people scream NO! And applying all the rhetoric of denial -- especially when the protests failed to accomplish their goals -- which in 2002 was the cancellation of plans to bomb Afghanistan.We failed. But it took a few months for me to realise that the COINTELPRO had basically been TEACHING AMERICAN ACTIVISTS HOW TO FAIL HARD...and they still do the same things. It is very sad.GWENHAARP and HIPASCOINTELPROand of course the notorious MKULTRAand a later development that the famous Cathy O' Brien has toured and lectured about, Operation MONARCH,which I know Sheri Grutz is familiar with -- for the creation of programmed slaves of various factors.This area of research and activism is highly important. People who have unknowingly been programmed to fail -- in some cases internalizing the methodology of self-sabotage from older activists who were active in the sixties and seventies and had their "scenes" infiltrated by agent-provocateurs or "narks" -- learned exactly how to be activists in a way that would get them busted and fail to get results - -precisely what those who were activating to NEUTRALIZE the peace movements of the sixties wanted.They tend to deny that such is what happened, and you can hear the squeeking sound of washed brains as they defend, often vehemently, the tactics that have repeatedly FAILED to produce real change.Simply: COINTELPRO was targeted to neutralize: Native Americans, African Americans and "hippies" with their strong "make love not war" message. That's what happened.I know that there is a lot of information coming out.To add to the sadness -- it almost seems that Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner GET TOGETHER to create the agenda for mainstream news in the United States, choosing what will be censored and what will be reported mainstream journalism there are few rewards for true integrity. In fact, people get extorted into not reporting on issues.i am currently feeling sort of a writers' block because -- how can I put these terms into easy to understand language? And then of course, I am only one person, and MSNBC and the other cable nets are broadcasting basic PROPAGANDA - -which is what news services that are ruled by the Lie Via Omission become.All this leading to the general state of behavior modifying psychotronics.> --- In, "mikal haley"> chipsterthehipster@ wrote:> >> > i mean, wow.> >> > my story is of some note. in the 1970s i was chanting this.> mom was on the hippie spiritual trip. but me, i was just a little tot.> nichiren helped me be calm in insane situations and i didn't understand> i grew older and did research (i am not japanese, except on the> inside) i read and learned more about my benefactor, who died hundreds> of years before i was born.> >> > chanting when i was so young gave me a sense of calmness and inner> serenity and compassion which i have been unable to completely forget.> my dream is to learn japanese and eventually chant with others as i did> when i was a child.> >> > but i didn't know what i was saying. we were met with blank stares> back in the seventies when mom asked 'what does this mean?' some said it> was a blessing for material things. 'i chanted for a new car,' she said> back in the day.> >> > even then that didn't make sense. many years later arch criminal> Chizuo Matsumoto aka SHOKO ASAHARA would be known as the Yakuza boss who> organized the terror attack on innocent civilians in the underground -->> > it is his group who started the lie that Nichiren predicted a war of> Japanese against "christians" -- nichiren daishonen> > said no such thing -- he was a proponent of peace all his life -- and> it was the shogun and other feudalists who despised him> > and tried to kill him -- unsuccessfully -- several times. the> "bakufu" as they were called.> >> > but the daimoku and the whole of the lotus sutra in english was a> treat to read -- and it is basically...a bodhicitta love story.>> bodhicitta means awakened heart. in a way, when the heart is awakened> and finds balance, that is realisation of "tao". it> is for me...> >> >> > <>THE 2ND CHAPTER. (HOBEN) PROSE> > FORM> >> > *Myoho* *renge* *kyo* -- The wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra> > Ho ben pon dai ni: Skillful Ways> > Ni Ji Se Son -- There the World Honored One> > Ju San Mai -- Quietly came up> > An Jo Ni Ki -- From his samadhi> > Go Shari Hotsu -- And said to *Shariputra*:> > Sho Bu' Chi E -- The wisdom of the Buddhas> > Jin Jin Mu Ryo -- Is profound and cannot be measured> > Go Chi E Mon -- Its gate is hard to understand> > Nange Nan Nyu -- And difficult to enter.> > Is Sai Sho Mon -- No Shravaka-Disciple> > Hyaku Shi Butsu -- Or Self-taught buddha> > Sho Fu No Chi -- Can understand it.> > Sho I Sha Ga -- Why is that? (because!)> > Butsu Zo Shin Gon -- the [present] Buddhas attended on many> > Hyaku Sen Man Noku -- hundreds of thousands of billions> > Mu Shu Sho Butsu -- Of [past] Buddhas,> > Jin Gyo Sho Butsu -- And practiced the many teachings> > Mu Ryo Do Ho -- Of those Buddhas bravely and energetically> > Yu Myo Sho Jin -- To their far-flung fame till they attained> > Myo Sho Fu Mon -- The profound Law> > Jo Ju Jin Jin -- Which you've never heard before,> > Mi Zo U Ho -- And also because they are exposing> > Zui Gi Sho Setsu -- The Law according to the capacities> > I Shu Nan Ge -- Of all living beings a way that the intention is hard> to> > understand> > Shari Hotsu -- *Shariputra*!> > Go Ju Jo Butsu I Rai -- Since I became Buddha, I also> > Shu Ju In Nen -- Have been stating various teachings> > Shu Ju Hi Yu -- With different stories of previous lives,> > Ko En Gon Kuyo -- Various parables, and various similes.> > Mu Shu Ho Ben -- I have been leading all living beings> > In Do Shu Jo -- With countless expedients> > Ryo Ri Sho Jaku -- In order to save them from materialism,> > Sho I Sha Ga -- Because I have the power> > Nyo Rai Ho Ben -- To employ skills,> > Chi Ken Hara Mitsu -- And the power to perform> > Kai I Gu Soku -- The Paramita (reached goal of wisdom) of insight> > Shari Hotsu -- *Shariputra*!> > Nyo Rai Chi Ken -- The insight of the Tathagatas> > Ko Dai Jin Non -- Is wide and deep.> > Mu Ryo Mu Ge -- They have all the [states of mind> > Riki Mu Sho I -- Towards] countless [living beings],> > Zen Jo Ge Da's' San Mai -- unchecked [intelligence], powers,> > Jin Nyu Mu Sai -- Fearlessness, dhyana-concentrations,> > Jo Ju Is Sai -- Liberations and samadhis. They entered> > Mi Zo U Ho -- Deep into no limits, and attained the Law which you've> never> > heard before> > Shari Hotsu -- *Shariputra*!> > Nyo Rai Nyo Shu Ju Fun Betsu -- The Tathagatas divide the Law> > Gyo Ses Sho Ho -- Into various teachings, and state> > Gon Ji Nyu Nan -- Those teachings so gently and skillfully> > Ek Ka Shu Shin -- That living beings are delighted.> > Shari Hotsu -- *Shariputra*!> > Shu Yo Gon Shi -- In short, the Buddhas attained> > Mu Ryo Mu Hen -- The countless teachings> > Mi Zo U Ho -- Which you've never heard before> > Bus Shitsu Jo Ju -- No more> > Shi -- Will I say> > Shari Hotsu -- *Shariputra*> > Fu Shu Bu Setsu -- Because the Law> > Sho I Sha Ga -- attained by the Buddhas> > Bus Sho Jo Ju -- Is the highest Truth.> > Dai Ichi Ke U -- Rare [to hear] and hard> > Nan Ge Shi Ho -- To understand.> > Yui Butsu Yo Butsu -- Only the Buddhas attained> > Nai No Ku Jin -- The highest Truth, that is> >> > Sho Ho Jis So -- The Reality of All Things> > Sho I Sho Ho -- In regards to:> > Nyo Ze So -- Their appearances (form? shape? size? ) as such,> > Nyo Ze Sho -- Their natures (essence) as such,> > Nyo Ze Tai -- Their embodiments (present incarnation) as such,> > Nyo Ze Riki -- Their powers (potentiality also possibilities) as such,> > Nyo Ze Sa -- Their activities (function or role) as such,> > Nyo Ze In -- Their primary causes (obvious cause) as such,> > Nyo Ze En -- Their environmental causes (process) as such,> > Nyo Ze Ka -- Their effects (latent or hidden effect) as such,> > Nyo Ze Ho -- Their requital (final outcome or return) as such,> > Nyo Ze Hon Ma' Ku *Kyo* To -- And the combination of these [factors]> as such> > (over and over again)> >> >> >> > i have "known" this all my life.> >> > padmakara the lotus master of tibet taught in Dakini Teachings which> was enscribed by his assistant and student Tsogyal that when a> practitioner dies in the mortal world they pick up the practice in later> lifetimes.> >> > also padma taught the 'nothing is mine' or nirmanakaya philosophy. i> dare guess that was to help people not become confused in a search for> disciples in the spirtual path and have people muttering "you're mine!> Mine!"> >> > nichiren offended lots of people, i learn from the history of his> life. as a student, i endeavor to learn not so much why -- but how to> fix the rifts and misunderstandings caused by his vehemence in> promulgating Sun Lotus philosophy. It's for healing utterly -- but i> imagine there were many atrocities going on -- then as now! and he> meant to help as many people as> > possible.> >> > may all sentient beings gain enlightenment, bla bla bla> >> > *THE 16TH CHAPTER. (JURYO) VERSE FORM (JIGAGE)> >> > Myo ho renge kyo* - The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law - 16th> > Chapter.> > *nyo rai ju ryo hon, dai ju roku* - the duration of Life of the> Tathagata> > (Many Treasures).> > *Ji ga toku bu'rai *-- Since I became a Buddha> > *Sho kyo sho ko shu *-- It is many hundreds of thousands> > *Mu ryo hyaku sen man *-- Of billions of trillions> > *Oku sai a so gi *-- Of asankhyas of aeons (many many years).> > *Jo sep po kyo ke *-- For the past countless aeons> > *Mu shu oku shu jo *-- I have been stating the Dharma> > *Ryo nyu o butsu do *-- To hundreds of millions of beings> > *Ni rai mu ryo ko *-- To lead them into the Way to Buddhahood> > *I do shu jo ko *-- In order to save [perverted] people,> > *Ho ben gen ne han *-- I expediently show my Nirvana to them> > *Ni jitsu fu metsu do *-- But In reality I never pass away.> > *Jo ju shi sep po *-- I always live here and preach the Law.> > *Ga jo ju o shi *-- Although I always live here> > *I sho jin zu riki *-- With perverted people> > *Ryo ten do shu jo *-- I disappear from their eyes> > *Sui gon ni fu ken *-- By my supernatural powers> > *Shu ken ga metsu do *-- When they see me seemingly pass away,> > *Ko ku yo shari *-- they make offerings to my relics> > *Gen kai e ren bo *-- they adore and admire me,> > *Ni sho katsu go shin *-- they become devout, upright and gentle,> > *Shu jo ki shin buku *-- And wish to see me> > *Shichi jiki I nyu nan *-- With all their hearts> > *Is shin yok ken butsu *-- Even at the cost of their lives.> > *Fu ji shaku shin myo *-- So I reappear on Mt. Sacred Vulture peak> > *Ji ga gyu shu so *-- With all my people (community/sangha)> > *Ku shutsu ryo ju sen *-- And say to them:> > *Ga ji go shu jo *-- I always live here.> > *Jo zai shi fu metsu *-- I'll never be extinct.> > *I ho ben rik ko *-- But I show my extinction expediently> > *Gen u metsu fu metsu *-- Although I never pass away.> > *Yo koku u shu jo *-- I also state the highest Law> > *Ku gyo shin gyo sha *-- To the living beings of other worlds> > *Ga bu o hi chu *-- If they respect me, they believe me,> > *I setsu mu jo ho *-- And wish to see me.> > *Nyo to fu mon shi *-- But you've never heard this;> > *Tan ni ga metsu do *-- So you thought that I passed away> > *Ga ken sho shu jo *-- I see [perverted] people sinking> > *Mo tsu zai o ku kai *-- In a sea of sufferings.> > *Ko fu I gen shin *-- Therefore, I disappear from their eyes> > *Ryo go sho katsu go *-- And cause them to admire me.> > *In go shin ren bo *-- Whey they adore me,> > *Nai shitsu I sep po *-- I reappear and expound the Law to them.> > *Jin zu riki nyo ze *-- I can do this by my supernatural powers.> > *O a so gi ko *-- For countless aeons> > *jo zai ryo ju sen *-- I lived on Mt. Sacred Eagle> > *Gyu yo sho ju sho *-- And in all other delay.> > *Shu jo ken ko jin *-- [Perverted] people think:> > *Dai ka sho sho ji *-- 'This world is in a great fire.> > *Ga shi do an non *-- The end is coming.'> > *Ten nin jo ju man *-- but really this world of mine is peaceful.> > *On rin sho do kaku *-- It is filled with gods and good people.> > *Shu ju ho sho gon *-- Its gardens, forests, and palaces> > *Ho ju ta ke ka *-- Are adorned with treasures;> > *Shu ju sho yu raku *-- Gem trees have fruits and flowers;> > *Sho ten gyaku ten ku *-- Living beings are enjoying themselves;> > *Jo sas shu gi gaku *-- And the gods are beating heavenly drums,> > *U man da ra ke *-- Pouring music and mandarava blossoms> > *San butsu gyu dai shu *-- On the Buddha and all assembled beings.> > *Ga jo do fu ki *-- My land is pure and indestructible.> > *Ni shu ken sho jin *-- But [perverted] people think:> > *U fu sho ku no *-- 'It is full of sorrow, fear and pain,> > *Nyo ze shitsu ju man *-- and will soon burn away.'> > *Ze sho zai shu jo *-- Because of their evil karmas,> > *I aku go In nen *-- these sinful people cannot hear even the names> > *Ka a so gi ko *-- Of the Three Treasures> > *Fu mon san bo myo *-- For countless aeons> > *Sho u shu ku doku *-- To those who have accumulated merits> > *Nyu was shichi jiki sha* -- Who are gentle and upright,> > *Sok kai ken ga shin *-- And see me living here,> > *Zai shi ni sep po *-- stating the Dharma,> > *Waku ji I shi shu *-- I say: 'The duration> > *Setsu butsu ju mu ryo *-- Of my life is immeasurable.'> > *Ku nai ken bus sha *-- To those who see me after a long time,> > *I setsu butsu nan chi *-- I say: 'It's hard to see a Buddha.'> > *Ga chi riki nyo ze *-- This I can do by the power of my wisdom.> > *Eko sho mu ryo *-- The light of my wisdom knows no limit.> > *Ju myo mu shu ko *-- The duration of my life is forever> > *Ku shu go sho toku *-- I obtained this by ages of practices.> > *Nyo to u chi sha *-- All of you, wise men!> > *Mot to shi sho gi *-- Have no doubts about this!> > *To dan ryo yo jin *-- Remove your doubts, have no more!> > *Butsu go jip pu ko *-- Because the Buddha's words are true, not> false.> > *Nyo I zen ho ben *-- The doctor, sent a man skillfully> > *I ji o shi ko *-- To tell his perverted sons> > *Jitsu zai ni gon shi *-- Of his death so he could to cure them,> > *Mu no sek ko mo *-- Was not accused of falsehood through living> > *Ga yaku I se bu *-- Likewise, I am the parent of this world.> > *Ku sho ku gen sha *-- I save all living beings from suffering.> > *I bon bu ten do *-- Because they are perverted, I say> > *Jitsu zai ni gon metsu *-- That I pass away, even though I do not.> > *I jo ken ga ko *-- If they always see me,> > *Ni sho kyo shi shin *-- They will become arrogant and no morals> > *Ho itsu jaku go yaku *-- And cling to the five human desires> > *Da o aku do chu *-- Till they fall into evil paths (Hell, Hunger and> > Animality).> > *Ga jo chi shu jo *-- I know all living beings,> > *Gyo do fu gyo do *-- Who practice the Way and who do not.> > *Zui o sho ka do *-- Therefore I expound various teachings> > *I ses shu ju ho *-- According to the abilities of all.> > *Mai ji sa ze nen *-- I am always thinking:> > *I ga ryo shu jo *-- 'How can I cause all living beings> > *Toku nyu mu jo do *-- To enter into the highest Way> > *Soku jo ju bus shin *-- So they can quickly become Buddhas?> >> >> > *THE 16TH CHAPTER. (JURYO) VERSE FORM (JIGAGE)> >> > Myo ho renge kyo* - The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Law - 16th> > Chapter.> > *nyo rai ju ryo hon, dai ju roku* - the duration of Life of the> Tathagata> > (Many Treasures).> > *Ji ga toku bu'rai *-- Since I became a Buddha> > *Sho kyo sho ko shu *-- It is many hundreds of thousands> > *Mu ryo hyaku sen man *-- Of billions of trillions> > *Oku sai a so gi *-- Of asankhyas of aeons (many many years).> > *Jo sep po kyo ke *-- For the past countless aeons> > *Mu shu oku shu jo *-- I have been stating the Dharma> > *Ryo nyu o butsu do *-- To hundreds of millions of beings> > *Ni rai mu ryo ko *-- To lead them into the Way to Buddhahood> > *I do shu jo ko *-- In order to save [perverted] people,> > *Ho ben gen ne han *-- I expediently show my Nirvana to them> > *Ni jitsu fu metsu do *-- But In reality I never pass away.> > *Jo ju shi sep po *-- I always live here and preach the Law.> > *Ga jo ju o shi *-- Although I always live here> > *I sho jin zu riki *-- With perverted people> > *Ryo ten do shu jo *-- I disappear from their eyes> > *Sui gon ni fu ken *-- By my supernatural powers> > *Shu ken ga metsu do *-- When they see me seemingly pass away,> > *Ko ku yo shari *-- they make offerings to my relics> > *Gen kai e ren bo *-- they adore and admire me,> > *Ni sho katsu go shin *-- they become devout, upright and gentle,> > *Shu jo ki shin buku *-- And wish to see me> > *Shichi jiki I nyu nan *-- With all their hearts> > *Is shin yok ken butsu *-- Even at the cost of their lives.> > *Fu ji shaku shin myo *-- So I reappear on Mt. Sacred Vulture peak> > *Ji ga gyu shu so *-- With all my people (community/sangha)> > *Ku shutsu ryo ju sen *-- And say to them:> > *Ga ji go shu jo *-- I always live here.> > *Jo zai shi fu metsu *-- I'll never be extinct.> > *I ho ben rik ko *-- But I show my extinction expediently> > *Gen u metsu fu metsu *-- Although I never pass away.> > *Yo koku u shu jo *-- I also state the highest Law> > *Ku gyo shin gyo sha *-- To the living beings of other worlds> > *Ga bu o hi chu *-- If they respect me, they believe me,> > *I setsu mu jo ho *-- And wish to see me.> > *Nyo to fu mon shi *-- But you've never heard this;> > *Tan ni ga metsu do *-- So you thought that I passed away> > *Ga ken sho shu jo *-- I see [perverted] people sinking> > *Mo tsu zai o ku kai *-- In a sea of sufferings.> > *Ko fu I gen shin *-- Therefore, I disappear from their eyes> > *Ryo go sho katsu go *-- And cause them to admire me.> > *In go shin ren bo *-- Whey they adore me,> > *Nai shitsu I sep po *-- I reappear and expound the Law to them.> > *Jin zu riki nyo ze *-- I can do this by my supernatural powers.> > *O a so gi ko *-- For countless aeons> > *jo zai ryo ju sen *-- I lived on Mt. Sacred Eagle> > *Gyu yo sho ju sho *-- And in all other delay.> > *Shu jo ken ko jin *-- [Perverted] people think:> > *Dai ka sho sho ji *-- 'This world is in a great fire.> > *Ga shi do an non *-- The end is coming.'> > *Ten nin jo ju man *-- but really this world of mine is peaceful.> > *On rin sho do kaku *-- It is filled with gods and good people.> > *Shu ju ho sho gon *-- Its gardens, forests, and palaces> > *Ho ju ta ke ka *-- Are adorned with treasures;> > *Shu ju sho yu raku *-- Gem trees have fruits and flowers;> > *Sho ten gyaku ten ku *-- Living beings are enjoying themselves;> > *Jo sas shu gi gaku *-- And the gods are beating heavenly drums,> > *U man da ra ke *-- Pouring music and mandarava blossoms> > *San butsu gyu dai shu *-- On the Buddha and all assembled beings.> > *Ga jo do fu ki *-- My land is pure and indestructible.> > *Ni shu ken sho jin *-- But [perverted] people think:> > *U fu sho ku no *-- 'It is full of sorrow, fear and pain,> > *Nyo ze shitsu ju man *-- and will soon burn away.'> > *Ze sho zai shu jo *-- Because of their evil karmas,> > *I aku go In nen *-- these sinful people cannot hear even the names> > *Ka a so gi ko *-- Of the Three Treasures> > *Fu mon san bo myo *-- For countless aeons> > *Sho u shu ku doku *-- To those who have accumulated merits> > *Nyu was shichi jiki sha* -- Who are gentle and upright,> > *Sok kai ken ga shin *-- And see me living here,> > *Zai shi ni sep po *-- stating the Dharma,> > *Waku ji I shi shu *-- I say: 'The duration> > *Setsu butsu ju mu ryo *-- Of my life is immeasurable.'> > *Ku nai ken bus sha *-- To those who see me after a long time,> > *I setsu butsu nan chi *-- I say: 'It's hard to see a Buddha.'> > *Ga chi riki nyo ze *-- This I can do by the power of my wisdom.> > *Eko sho mu ryo *-- The light of my wisdom knows no limit.> > *Ju myo mu shu ko *-- The duration of my life is forever> > *Ku shu go sho toku *-- I obtained this by ages of practices.> > *Nyo to u chi sha *-- All of you, wise men!> > *Mot to shi sho gi *-- Have no doubts about this!> > *To dan ryo yo jin *-- Remove your doubts, have no more!> > *Butsu go jip pu ko *-- Because the Buddha's words are true, not> false.> > *Nyo I zen ho ben *-- The doctor, sent a man skillfully> > *I ji o shi ko *-- To tell his perverted sons> > *Jitsu zai ni gon shi *-- Of his death so he could to cure them,> > *Mu no sek ko mo *-- Was not accused of falsehood through living> > *Ga yaku I se bu *-- Likewise, I am the parent of this world.> > *Ku sho ku gen sha *-- I save all living beings from suffering.> > *I bon bu ten do *-- Because they are perverted, I say> > *Jitsu zai ni gon metsu *-- That I pass away, even though I do not.> > *I jo ken ga ko *-- If they always see me,> > *Ni sho kyo shi shin *-- They will become arrogant and no morals> > *Ho itsu jaku go yaku *-- And cling to the five human desires> > *Da o aku do chu *-- Till they fall into evil paths (Hell, Hunger and> > Animality).> > *Ga jo chi shu jo *-- I know all living beings,> > *Gyo do fu gyo do *-- Who practice the Way and who do not.> > *Zui o sho ka do *-- Therefore I expound various teachings> > *I ses shu ju ho *-- According to the abilities of all.> > *Mai ji sa ze nen *-- I am always thinking:> > *I ga ryo shu jo *-- 'How can I cause all living beings> > *Toku nyu mu jo do *-- To enter into the highest Way> > *Soku jo ju bus shin *-- So they can quickly become Buddhas?> >>
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