I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd post an update. I've moved and am in a better living arrangement and things are looking up. I don't have internet access where I am so updates will be few and far between. I've posted some dangerous material so I will try to post at least once a month. If you don't see me post in at least three months I guess you will know what happened to me. Ok onto other info. I was watching conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura, the episode was Mind Invaders. The subject was Targeted Individuals. What they did was interview T.i's and found the source of this weaponry. What they found was that most T.I's were found around GWEN towers. GWEN towers were used during the cold war era and are said to be officially out of operation. What they did was to make a grid of the Targeted Individuals and put them on a map. They then compared the map to GWEN towers and T.I's were found near and around these towers. It seems to me to be a plausible source of these signals that torture us. This episode can be found if you would like to search for it, I would provide a link but I am composing this offline to be posted when I gain internet access. I will update my situation at a later date. Peace and be strong.
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