Stanford Research Institute aka Sarnoff Corporation
Security Products, Oct. 19, 2010Sarnoff, ePortation Demonstrate Iris Identity Verification System Thisarticle reports that the Sarnoff Corporation and ePortation recentlyannounced the new Glance iris recognition system for high-speedbiometric identification at ports and other critical infrastructure.According to the article, using Sarnoff’s proven iris image capturesystem that quickly images the iris of a person in motion and at adistance, the system offers high-speed and highly accurate identityverification even in outdoor climates. While other iris scanningtechnologies require users to stop or closely stare into a scanner,Sarnoff’s technology works differently. It verifies identities inseconds, at an arm’s length distance, allowing quick and easyaccess.
IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 18, 2010DARPA Seeking to Revolutionize Robotic Manipulation This articlereports that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) recently unveiled an ambitious program to significantlyadvance robotic manipulation. According to the article, the four-yearAutonomous Robotic Manipulation, or ARM, program aims at developingboth software and hardware that would enable robots to autonomouslyperform complex tasks with humans providing only high-leveldirection. There are three major tracks: software, hardware, and anoutreach track. According to the article, SRI has been selected todevelop both hardware and software for a robotic hand.
San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 18, 2010Search Engines Learning to Anticipate User's Needs This articlereports on developments in search engine technology. SRI spin-offSiri is described in the article, which notes that SRI continues towork on virtual personal assistants that address short comings insearch engines. "With most of the systems right now, we expressit piece by piece. It's up to us, in our head, to make sure thepieces all flow together and at the end combine to meet our intent,"said Bill Mark, vice president of information and computing sciencesat SRI. "We're moving to a world where the technology does abetter job of understanding higher level intent and completes theentire task for us."