Star of does the world civilization, how long glitter? ( 世界文明之星,还能闪多久?)The long dim light of night in blinks in the star light cancels dimly hazy,Raises the human nature in the green star ray,In the human society from does not have the reasonable path,Human nature instinct \ selfish \ combative \ swallow, tenacious,Turns extinguishes the objective development principle,the truth finally wins,but the humanity in thousand hundred sores, facing the indifferent wilderness,in the creation only then felt humanity's stupidity, many strengths stop well,21st century, in spiritual atomic bomb panic, the world is shouting wildly!!The humanity enters reads the brain time, takes a look humanity's disaster:The reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagneticwave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon),perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon),microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and so on weapon torture maltreatments and harassment.In humanity's not balanced happiness and the disaster goes forward,any civilization all once by approached destroys the human survival the tragedy, deducted in four seasons transformation wilderness.The spring, summer, fall, and winter is through ancient times invariable,the human culture in destroys in the \ deconstruction to progress, several millenniums pursue the reasonable survival principle with hardship the philosopher,absolutely has not prevented the deconstruction the shadow.The advance in technology, we long for even in dreams,however after we in cheers jumps for joy, only then discovered,we leave the blue color star deconstruction the distance to be nearer.Pitiful scientist, when creation, did not know actually how is the truth which the humanity progresses,21st century, human survival in technical deconstruction star haze!The wind, still strokes the heart,the rain, still the Run will of the people,snow, ever did not change the mind the baptism,pine Tao summons in the far mountain,the spray howled in the tip, the white clouds looked down at in the blue sky regard.Asian \ European \ Americas \ Oceania has not been tranquil, the long-distance electronic input and the sensation thought technology is wreaking havoc,electromagnetism weapons and so on directed energy do not have in the protection in the good people to test!!Remembers 2008, an extraordinary year,July 8-9, the world glitters the hope ray in the rationality.The European victims assemble the \ appeal in European Union Headquarters;On October 11, the various countries abuses in the counter-technology, in human peace and human dignity and freedom.The mammoth parade and the assembly, resounds through the skies, the humanity no longer silences.Saves the human dignity and the right, is humanity's duty.To evil and ignorant farewell,makes great strides forward to the counter-terror,human nature charm often in wind and rain!!!!For our beautiful star, the day blue, the star is brighter, the peaceful path is rounder!!Let us for the world humanity appeal fulfills one's obligation!!!!!!