State of Nevada Declaration of Candidacy Of
Eric L Griffin
For the Office of
The U.S.Senate Of Nevada 2016
For the Office of Major Political Party -Partisan Office Secretary of State Ross Miller
For the purpose of having my name placed on the official ballot as a candidate for the U.S.Senate Of Nevada
Party nomination for the office of ("None Party Affiliate" ) , I the undersigned , do swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that I actually, as opposed to constructively, reside at, , in the City or Town of Henderson , County of Clark
, State of Nevada; that my actual, as opposed to constructive,residence in the state, district, county, township, city or other area prescribed by law to which the office pertains began on a date at least 30 days immediately preceding the date of the close of filing of declarations of candidacy for this office, in addition to any other requirements required by law; that my telephone number is 702 505 5525 , and the address at which I receive mail, if different than my residence, is; that I am registered as a member of the Party Democrat ; that I am a qualified elector pursuant to Section 1 of Article 2 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada; that if I have ever been convicted of treason or my civil rights have been restored by a court of competent jurisdiction; that I have not, in violation of the provision of NRS 293.176, changed he designation of my political party or political party affiliation on an official application to register to vote in any state since
December 31st before the closing filing date for this election; that I generally believe in and intend to support the concepts
found in the principles and policies of that political party in the coming election; that if nominated as a candidate of the Non AFFILIATE Party at the ensuing election, I will accept that nomination and not withdraw; that I will not knowingly violate any election law or any law defining and prohibiting corrupt and fraudulent practices in campaigns and elections in this state; that I will qualify for the office if elected thereto, including, but not limited to, complying with any limitation prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this State concerning the number of years or terms for which a person may hold the office; and that I understand my name will appear on all ballots as designated in this declaration.
Signature of candidate for office
Designation of name to appear on ballot
Designation of name to appear on certificate of election
E-mail address (optional)