Still Bullied


Today was another day I survived, the perps are still telling everybody about my life.They they are watching me every single minutes so do the neighbours. It's nearly Christmas and they are still evil. They want to harras me with cats now. They are always planning something new to hurt me. My neighbourhood is Harrasing me big time a lot of people are  keeping it hush hush. My job is hard for me to do because the Perp is mind controlling me to my my work the way they want it to.

I don't know a way out of the mind control. The Perp got people thinking that it's better for me to do what he wants. They try to bully me into doing so. The Perp is threating me with the  Neighbours. He will let the Neighbours hurt me for themselves and him. I am all alone, nobody wants to help me. The police didn't want to help when I called them. The perps is taking all my boyfriend's away from me. He's mind controlling them in not to love me anymore. He's very agresive, always on about how he got a girlfriend. How he's the only who found love on this planet. He's really angry when I find love.

IN HIS MIND Everything I do belongs to him. HE'S greedy for everything I got. When I talk he takes over. When I react to the television he takes over. He's like a dark cloud that hangs over me.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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