On 2 July, STOPZET will do a protest in Warsaw.
« Truth and justice are silently killed by psychotronic weapons & electromagnetic attacks in the human nervous system. » STOPZET
« In 2005, technical professor Valery Kaniaka, former deputy general manager of the energy research and development division, said: "In 1991 we thought that there might be a whole new kind of weapons of mass control, the destruction of the intellect, the personality. I then went to the government with a report saying that unless we develop international legislation that prohibits the use of psychophysical effects on humans, its mass action will begin within ten years. It will be more terrible than the atomic bomb. Nobody listened to me. Scientific teams that dealt with psychotronics throughout the country were deliberately dissolved by the mid-nineties. Government officials closed the programs when our theoretical papers were tried out in practice. What came out of this technology - it is unknown. At present, the world is actively developing methods of programming human consciousness to control, direct. As a result, after twenty years there may be a "race" of people controlled." STOPZET.