plus an RFID would show up in ICAACT phase II ....medical scan
so YOU are misleading or don`t understand and creating a strawman argument around RFID chips
also its clear you don`t want members talking about the actually findings of ICAACT in the freely downloadable report here ....
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also you will notice that passive RFID ( no battery ) emit RF when being powered by an external reader ...I would suggest that if they are using passive RFIDs (probably more likely then batter powered devices) they would need to read you 24/7 ...i.e external powering it continuously ...i.e if they did not they possible could lose the track on you
Deca, I did report you for threadjacking. I will now report you again as you continue to threadjack.
I did not mention gangstalkingwiki in this thread. You now attempt to justify threadjacking by stating it is listed in /r/gangstalking wiki. I did not refer /r/gangstalking in this thread. Both wikis are off topic.
Reddit is not a blog. /r/gangstalking is not mine.
I did not refer A moderator did before I subscribed to /r/gangstalking. I will not delete what a moderator posted. /r/gangstalking has three moderators. Nor would I delete from /r/gangstalking wiki. It has good information and links to good articles. I do not expect a wiki to be 100% accurate.
You misrepresented gangstalkingwiki is the main source of /r/gangstalking wiki. If you read the rest of /r/gangstalking wiki, you would know it lists hundreds of sources. is one of hundreds listed.
You are prying into my identity to attempt to discredit me. Members backgrounds are not relevant in forums. What is relevant is substantiating points that are made which I did. I backed up every claim I made with citations and/or quotations.
You, on the other hand, misrepresent, refuse to substantiate when asked and distract the discussion by repeatedly demanding personal information on the members you attempt to discredit. Focus on the topic. Do not get personal. I neither discuss nor investigate the background of people and organizations I discuss. What they say or do not say on a topic and whether they substantiate what they say and disclose data when asked that they omitted is at issue. Not their background. For example, ICAACT to disclose the make and model of their device. I did not ask what their background was.
You misrepresented that I concealed "actual findings of ICAACT." Obviously you neither looked at my submission history nor did you use reddit's search field. Had you typed 'ICAACT' in reddit's search field, you would have found the identical article you misrepresented I concealed:
Had you examined the date, you would have read that it was posted 16 days ago by me.
Did you spend the time reading it? What is your point referring the article other than to attempt to discredit me?
Deca wrote: "you will notice that passive RFID ( no battery ) emit RF when being powered by an external reader."
In part 3, I wrote passive RFID has no battery. I wrote RFID readers scan passive RFID. EMF meters do not scan passive RFID. Why are you repeating what I wrote? Are you now conceeding that EMF meters cannot scan passive RFID and ICAACT used the wrong device? If so, you should make it obvious to members.Deca wrote:."I would suggest that if they are using passive RFIDs (probably more likely then batter powered devices) they would need to read you 24/7 ...i.e external powering it continuously ...i.e if they did not they possible could lose the track on you."
Deca, post 9/11, there are numerous methods of geolocating a person including geolocating their pet, getaway vehicle, computer, etc. Read /r/privacy. There is no need for perps to beam RF continuously to read a passive RFID. Nonetheless, the microwave weapon beams RF. The microwave's RF would make passive RFID readable.
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What is the difference between low-, high-, and ultra-high frequencies?
Just as your radio tunes in to different frequency to hear different channels, RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency to communicate. RFID systems use many different frequencies, but generally the most common are low- (around 125 KHz), high- (13.56 MHz) and ultra-high frequency, or UHF (850-900 MHz). Microwave (2.45 GHz) is also used in some applications. Radio waves behave differently at different frequency, so you have to choose the right frequency for the right application.and that is for bog standard commercial available RFID tags ...and there is no saying that A) targets have RFID chip B) the chances are it will not be a bog standard commercial available one if the do ....
C) these would show up in a medical scan anyway
so your whole RFID argument is a strawman
the equipment ICAACT used is described in the report
so you have to have a reader to work over the different frequency ....but there problem with different bit sizes and the reader might output the correct frequency but not recognize the return signal ....readers are designed to work with certain commercial standards
so good luck on that
again I not got a problem with you investing your time and money into RFID readers and scanning TI`s
if YOU believe its what should be done go and do it ...don`t criticize others that don`t and did some other type of scanning
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again you have to start looking at what they could do with tempest and the newer NSA play-set ( ant catalog )equipment
TEMPEST - Protection from Computer Eavesdropping ~ BBC Tomorrow's World
Deca, I reported you a second time for threadjacking. You threadjacked again by posting the NSA ' ANT catalogue which has nothing to do with RFID. Closest ANT catalogue comes is Jacob Applebaum's speech at the CCC in Germany in December 2013 warning that NSA embedded RF retro reflectors in computers to extrafiltrate data by beaming a microwave at the retro reflector using a microwave generator up to 8 miles away. A retro reflector is not RFID.
You must delete your threadjacking within four hours or I will delete all of your comments. I had to delete the comments to my first post in peacepink due to LaBrat's threadjacking and bullying. I will not hestitate to do this again.
Peacepink is the only forum that has no rules.
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well Ti`s targeting has nothing to do with RFID`s please just delete the whole pointless thread.
If YOU think targeting is about RFID ..then WHY ARE YOU NOT SCANNING FOR THEM THEN ?
instead of waste peoples time complaining ,creating blogs about how other organizations are not using RFID readers....
again the links about tempest and NSA ' ANT catalogue is demonstrating the sophistication of the ability to hack and signal process electrical systems.... and then understand how the human operator of these systems is part of the equations ever since "the mind has no firewall" article
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.
Since you continue to distract. disinform, threadjack and bully, I will delete your comments. Your demanding I delete my thread is censorship. I will not censor my thread.