Ei guys!! thanks a lot for soo many comments on my blog!!
I would like to share my recent situation...
As I´m going to school biggest stalking now is street theater...
Is unbelievable the quantity of stalkers that surrounds me.... But actually I´m starting doubt about... A couple of times I see an object that should be straight was like bended.... ( a brommer and a gear shift) sometimes my eyes hurt really bad.. like if they are uploading the programm on my eyes.... I don´t have a lot of knowlegdement about Matrix ( actually that movie I NEVER UNDERSTAND!! LOL) But do you thing I could see much stalkers than what are on reality?? Is that shit so advanced that I´m seeing everybody doing the same movement ( touching their eyes like saying "we are watching you") I have video... but is a kid doing that going with his mother... A lot of times are just kids... Very sad...
So.. my question is... really exists Matrix??? can I see things that are not real !???