Pope Francis who is also known as Jorge Bergoglio is implicated in crimes against children and in being involved in Satanic ritual abuse, among other crimes. The International common law court of Justice in Brussels have issued an arrest warrant against him and also an order for him to appear in court. The arrest warrant and court order against Pope Francis are legal under International law. In fact, any country can follow up on these findings and have him arrested on their own soil on that aforementioned indictment.
The International common law courts have been compiling evidence against Pope Francis for a number of years. He is involved in the Ninth Circle ritual activities which is satanic in nature and he has been doing so ever since he was an archbishop in Argentina.
Further to that, many big drug companies fund the Catholic churches and in exchange for doing so they obtain orphan and other children to use in their drug testing and Pope Francis has personally been approving the use of those aforementioned children from catholic schools, hospitals and orphanages in drug testing experimentation.
The Vatican have a long time investment with Pfizer amounting to five billion dollars.
There is strong evidence that Pope Francis has been involved in the killing of eye witnesses to what he was doing in Argentina in relation to his satanic ritual abuse activities. While he was in Argentina, within a twelve year period, Pope Francis went from being a priest to heading the whole Jesuit order throughout Argentina. He was promoted because of his role in the military Junta who were involved in killing tens of thousands of Argentinians in the 1980s.
Half of all internet pornography can be traced to two Vatican bank owned companies according to a former FBI computer hacker who lives in Jacksonville, Florida and who reported this matter to the International Common Law Courts two years ago.
Pope Francis reported that he plans to visit Canada in the near future. The native American communities in Canada have stated that if Pope Francis comes to Canada they will have him arrested and he is not welcome there.
I obtained the above information from a www.bitchute video called 'Americans United Against The New World Order where Sarah Westall was interviewing Kevin Annett from the International Common Law Court of Justice in Vancouver, Canada and here is the link to that bitchute video https://www.bitchute.com/video/bf875Yf2B5Bt/

The Roman Army did not disappear. They simply transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican. The Romans realised that it cost money and time to to keep standing armies on patrol throughout their empire so they instead devised a plan to mind control their subjects by means of the mind controlling mechanism of an organised religion. The Vatican are a very wealthy corporation who employ almost everyone on earth indirectly. Over many hundreds of years the Vatican clergy have set up a legal system of ownership of all property and all people on earth even claiming ownership of those people who are not Christian. They wished to have a means of mind controlling their followers so they built churches as mind controlling centres and also as places to collect money from those who have been successfully mind controlled. For subjects to be successfully mind controlled a ritual must be performed. This is the reason that religious sacraments have been created. Religious sacraments are simply acts of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place during the religious sacrament. The success of the religious sacrament depends entirely of the willingness of those present to believe that something of a supernatural nature has taken place. When in church, people are held spell bound by the required solemnity of the occasion, the display of incense and candlelight while accompanied by opulent surroundings and extravagant costumes and the required elaborate posturing of the priest combined with the power of suggestion. All of this is required to pull off the mind control programming necessary to mesmerize the audience into a state of unquestioning belief. The Roman army and the Vatican are now major players in this ongoing attempt at enslaving the men and women of the world today. The Roman army are now known as the Jesuits. They are the military wing of the Vatican. Every political party in Europe is funded by the Vatican bank and further to that Georgetown University in the United States is a Jesuit owned and run University where most United States politicians are purportedly trained.



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