Student Loans & illuminati master plan interesting timing ... is this another part of the illuminati master plan to keep America dumb ("Hunger Games" style) and pull the rug out from education after they have already destroyed tuition rates and Sallie Mae?"Congress is gearing up to reauthorize the nearly 50-year-old Higher Education Act, the federal law governing how tens of billions of taxpayer dollars are annually allocated towards student borrowers and higher education.""Of the roughly $300 billion in Direct Loans in repayment, one in six, or about 17.2 percent, are at least 31 days delinquent, data show. By comparison, just 3.3 percent of all loans and leases held by U.S. banks are at least 30 days late, according to the Federal Reserve." ....... are they forgetting that the banks had most of their toxic loans taken care of after the rug was pulled out from under the housing/mortgage market. Just how many foundations of society do they have to destroy before they realize it's counter-productiveI'm sure v2k fits very nicely into this master plan to control the world, there's just one catch .... in implementing v2k, they committed crimes against humanity.
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