Sucked In

One thing that is omnipresent in our lives are perps, that's a given.
     They occupy all our time bcz of some tactic they are presently engaged in to torment/torture us.  BUT, some of that time MUST be forceably reclaimed for ourselves.  We must always remember that WE are at the center of their attention, and but for us and our responses, they have nothing.  WE are sometimes part of our own problem by our giving them what they require - our attention and time.  This is why the sensitizing tactic works so well - we take the bait and see perps all around us all the time - we give them omnipresent power over us.
     As of late, I have decided to sell my home and move.  However, I have noticed (the reason why I'm sitting here typing) that I am delaying getting things ready so I can list with a realtor (painting, repairing, staging, etc) and am instead involved in that old game of "catching them" projects instead.  How easily we can be sucked in to their game, EVEN IN DEFERENCE TO OUR OWN FORWARD MOVEMENT!
     It takes an effort and great determination to aim our attention toward reclaiming our lives and living free.  I urge every TI to set aside an hour each and EVERY day when you force out thoughts and actions concerning your present condition, and begin to think and make plans for a future where you are free.  We are caught in a period of time where this covert crime exists, it will NOT exist forever.  Even Nazi Germany's atrocities eventually came to an end. 
     This post is not aimed at putting an end to this crime, it is aimed at each and every TI's mental health.  Will you be around as a survivor when this is over?  Will you choose to fight to maintain your sanity and hope?

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