We all know there are terrible things happening in this world, there are many, many people suffering across the globe. The difference between us and them is that they have their lives. They have their minds, bodies, and lives to their own selves and they are not guinea pigs.
I've come to realize that it isn't about voices, because my voices have cleared up with proper use of medication, it's about experimenting on the body and inflicting torture to the top center of the head. I have suffered the human heart against the activity. I have suffered the human brain against the trepid angst.
When I was working in a glass factory in my town, I was writing poems there on my breaks about experimentation and targeting, it went into my book called, This Sky I Know. The irony, was that we were making glass that was to go in the Freedom Towers where 9-11 happened, and all the while, I was being butchered to near death with direct energy weapons.
I'm unsure how I'm still alive, but I'm thankful for every day. I really feel like we have a better chance now than in any of my 18 years in it to get out of it. I'm writing religious books, and love poems. It's helping.