
At the moment I´m suffering severly from their cruel torture. They are not just "cooking" me alive with their burnings, they harass me with their subliminal repeating messages, the harass me sexually, they put high pressure on body parts with their artificial pulsations, at the moment a preference at the scull behind my ears and female stomache and the lower parts of the body, they are by the burning making both my knees swell up so I cannot walk properly,they prevent me from sleep for several days, and when totally exhausted from the lack of rest, they intense their voices and the harassment even a bit more. Telling me over and over again that I will not make it.

What kind of person, organization, government, military intelligence, medical company, scientists team etc. with human beings on their boards, could possible live with theirselves, looking into their faces in the mirror every morning, knowing they are driving people to the end of their lives with their metods?? Do they spot any eternal evil in their eyes, do they feel regrets? Do they somehow think that if doing this, their family, children, partners are safe from this? Or do they justify their torture with the "by sacrifying a few,we can save or cure billions of people" ??//Annie 

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  • Buy epilepsy medicine and take it at night so that they can't kill you in your sleep as easily.  Tegretol works great, and it's cheap.
  • I get a pension for 1228.  That's why they tried to kill me.  I would have given it back, but now I'm in ill health.  I think they are doing this to justify the world, as you say, but it's been Hell since the beginning.  Do they believe themselves?  Don't worry.  In the end, survival wins, logic is restored, and we start another yuga.
  • I'm sorry this happened to you.  I was raped with their devices as an orgasm was blasted into my ear to try to kill me.  They kept telling me that I was stupid or the state I was in was worse than death.  They would have old friends' voices come into my ear and say things, and they tried to blame me for the entire collapse of the US economy.  I was having fun because I went shopping, they claimed.  I was trying to get in on their good, they said.  They killed me for a little bit then freaked out later when they found me alive, "how did she survive?"  They accused me of trying to date Putin when I was just in the bar trying to be normal. 
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