Best alternative to regular sugar are the natural sugars. These sweeteners do not contain side effects that sugar contains. These products are not only for diabetic patients but also for all those people who are conscious of their diet. Very important thing about these sweeteners are that these sweeteners are very helpful in avoiding increase in Blood sugar levels. They contain very low calories than normal sugar. These sweeteners also prevent from tooth decay and cavities. It is very difficult to understand that how can something sweet when no calories are there in it.
Calories are a measure of the energy made available when we digest something. A sweet taste comes from the binding of the molecules to specific receptors proteins in our taste buds. Many people look for natural sweeteners that they can make use of in order to satisfy their taste buds.
Steviocal is one of the natural forms of sweetener. It contains stevia which is a sugar free sweetener. Many delicious recipes are there that makes use of stevia as sweetener. Particularly in middle-east, North Africa and Greece many delicious desserts are made with the help of stevia only. It is also available in different flavors. Agave is also one form of sweetener that is present. Steviocal which is extracted from leaves of stevia plant. This plant is grown in Southwest America and Mexico. It is zero calorie sweeteners. It can be used as an substitute for a larger quantity of sugar. It is also famous for nutritional values that are found in very less sweeteners. When we talk about natural sweetener, then one more name is there which can not forget and that is Blackstrap Molasses. It is a thick large dark liquid that has a very sweet punch. It is sweetener than sugar. Ratio is that if we take half a cup of Molasses it will be equivalent to one cup of sugar. It contains iron and calcium and many more nutrients are available in it. Stevia powder is also one of the most famous substitutes for low calorie natural/herbal sweetener. It has zero calories and it is also directly extracted from the Stevia plant. It is almost 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. It is also found in many countries. It is very useful for all the patients that are suffering from Diabetes. Whey low is also a substitute available. It was invented by a chemistry doctorate when his wife was diagnosed with diabetes. It was created by formulating three natural sugars: Sucrose, fructose and lactose.
Author Bio:-Stevi0cal is the best Sugar free stevia Sweetener,Herbal sweetener,Natural Sweetener,which is a zero calorie Substitute to sugar sweeteners.It is made fromStevia India extract,Stevia extract of stevia leaves of stevia plant and is the best diabetes die