Super Mario Bros Crossover of my kids


For my cyberkids and for Timewaster :) :) :)


The timewaster are those users who are pretending to be victims. They are not trolls,th_smiley_troll.gif they are just curious. They pretend to be victims to play. Timewaster I have facebook, but do not have a questionnaire, do not have a medical document, they have a complaint or lawsuit against unknown persons. Maybe "the Timewaster" Even the neighbors, at times. They are not a PERP. They are Timwaster malicious, gossipy. After months see them playing with fake account and waste time. They are not men. They are NERDS or a loser. He wants also to enter in the list mcmailteam. They continue to write messages. When their skype, they have the microphone broken or something is wrong. They are held in the months of stalemate and while on their facebook wall playing with other users. A real victim is immediately recognizable or after 3 months. A timewaster is recognized after a few months. The timewaster is not an infiltrated or a PERPS.

It's just a really curious and a timewaster.

I like to joke around. I like to try to relax. I do not like to waste time.

There is no time for joking, but also to work and look for a cause against the common enemy: the perps. 

A true victim seeks help. :)A real victim does not waste time. A real victim loses time if it encounters a no-profit association incompetent. A true victim tries a lawyer and a good doctor for medical examinations. A real victim does not waste time.Hopefully the incompetents who are wasting their time, and who can not coordinate people. 

Dear timewaster, I use the internet 80% for thematic series difficult and if possible 20% to relax and disconnect me from V2K and tinnitus.:)

I do not use the internet to play 100%.  Too many cyberkiddys Italian. And in the rest of the world?

Today I have reported this game :Super Mario Crossover 

It is perfect for my kids.:) :)

regards by your dad (or uncle) :)

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  • Copy paste on my fb:

    Dear "NAME". No request fb friendship please.

    Are you in list of McMailteam? Where are you? You are a victim, are you troll, a scammer or PERP? You are not in the list of John. You are a man or a woman? You are a real victim or a fake?


    Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, FACEBOOK: GROUP FORUM:

    5 LISTS you are not in PACIFIC list?

    If you'd like, ask friendship with G.A.V.

    I am writing to correct with T.I. which is my second account.


    A) If you are Australian, send a email to McMailteam

    B) If you are American, send a email to Derrick Robinson (FFCHS). Or ICCACT (Jesse and Lars)

    C) If you are from U.K. send a email to Magnus Bill Olsson or John A. or other.

    D) If you are from ANTARTICO, I don't know ===>

    I'm sorry, I don't speak english very well, my english is very bad and I have not an interpreter italian-american. I undertsunding that your english is is tiring. From your writing, I sense that you might really have V2K, and / or tinnitus by microchip and others problems. It is useful to fill out a questionnaire with the correct data. Do you have a skype contact? You have webcam? There's Dr. Rauni Kilde. Maybe the doctor can authenticate with a video as your situation. Derrick Robinson, can send to you a good questionnaire. Enter your real data, and the symptoms. The questionnaire FFCHS has 50 questions. If you can not complile the questionnaire because you are alone as me, with Skype Mr. Derrick Robinson or Dr. Rauni Kilde or other referente, can help you to write. A doctor has code of ethics. Professional secrecy. Without your authorization, no one will publish on the internet the summary of your case. Write to McMailTeam who can review your file.

    If you are afraid to use the real data because there is the problem of psychiatry and you do not have a lawyer/advocate, You can also use a nickname for the synthesis of your case on internet. You can choose whether it shall be published on the internet or not, however, the referees must have your name in private archives. I understand the problems, fears, phobias, anxiety, but you have to have confidence in a good coordinator and contact person if you are a T.I. Your personal information is safe with a doctor or a good referent.

    I hope the tips are helpful. I'm sorry for my bad English. I am only a T.I. and alone. When I need an interpreter Italian or Italian-American who speaks English well at all. Even with the money. It is not a joke. I do not even have an interpreter for little money. (20 Euros).

    Netiquette and fairness with the real T.I. please I also do 3 accounts, but I am writing to T.I. not to bestow confusion. I'm not bad. I am tired of scammers, trolls and fake.

    maybe if you add a message to the request, and it is Eglio netiquette. regards Rebecca.

    P.S. If do you want, I accept you but only on peacepink.

    PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, FACEBOOK:


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