Edward Snowden documentary film - Citizenfour (1 of 2)
CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Poitras had already been working on a film about surveillance for two years when Snowden contacted her, using the name “CITIZENFOUR,” in January 2013. He reached out to her because he knew she had long been a target of government surveillance, stopped at airports numerous times, and had refused to be intimidated. When Snowden revealed he was a high-level analyst driven to expose the massive surveillance of Americans by the NSA, Poitras persuaded him to let her film.
CITIZENFOUR places you in the room with Poitras, Greenwald, and Snowden as they attempt to manage the media storm raging outside, forced to make quick decisions that will impact their lives and all of those around them.
CITIZENFOUR not only shows you the dangers of governmental surveillance—it makes you feel them. After seeing the film, you will never think the same way about your phone, email, credit card, web browser, or profile, ever again.
Edward Snowden NSA Documentary on Global Surveillance
Digital Privacy Legislation is Civil Rights Legislation
By Paige Collings and Adam Schwartz
May 18, 2023
Snowden documentary director Laura Poitras sues US government officials, alleges 'harassment'
Security News This Week: Laura Poitras Is Suing the Government
ACLU Sues to End Temporary Bulk Phone Data Collection
‘Emergency’ UK Spy Bill Is Unlawful, Says HighCourt
The ACLU’s petition asking President Obama to grant clemency to Snowden is at:
Information on government spying is at:
How Edward Snowden led journalist and film-maker to reveal NSA secrets
Whistleblower drew Glenn Greenwald and film-maker Laura Poitras together to expose surveillance programmes