Synthetic telepathy


I just want to share with you what I have to hear in my head every day - but this is not the worst thing, more severe is the physical torture and the mind manipulation.

Someone is talking to me inside my head like a voice but without "sound”.

I get thoughts and comments transmitted in German, English and French (German is my native languagage).

The "words" can appear as male or  female "voice" and even as my own "voice". It can be very subtle, but also appear very clearly.

99% of the "words" do appear as male "voices".

1) Transmission of thoughts - some of hundreds - from new to older:

  • Soon you will go to death.

  • Survival of the fittest – you are not fit enough for this world.

  • You have never taken part in this world, Leia, I'm sorry, you never did.

  • I'm sorry Leia, but I have to kill you, you know too much.

  • We nock out your conscious mind therefor we can do to you whatever we want.

  • Leia, you are a bunny that will soon be slaughtered.

  • The whore Leia annoys me and must be tortured again stronger.

  • If we want, you will suicide.

  • If it was up to me, you were already blind.

  • We have taken away your ability of selfdefence.

  • You have a gordius body, but this body will soon be dead.

  • Hand in hand we go to death, but we will remain alive.

  • We have destroyed you, you whore.

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