Taking part of information

This is a post to wake people up and a call to ask members read and take part of the information given here.


There are several of us, members here at PP. that have and continuesly keep on, posting information about the technology that is possibly used on us, (even documents that proves this exists and videos, confirming this is done to human beings by wellknown and credible people, such as former military intelligence employees and psyciastrist, aswell as actual research programmes by our countries governments) 

Still it seems to me, as people and member here at PP. either chose to not take part of the information given here, or stubbornly remain in their own beliefs that they were manipulated to believe when they first got under their harassment. We all know the "set-up" for all victims are very similar. We are made to believe we are under "surveillance" (meaning that we are to believe we have hidden cameras or such equipment in our homes etc) and that the ones doing this to us are either some local people, neighbors, family etc. This is not the case for the majority of victims. 


Now, when taking part of information mentioned above, we nee to realize that this is not done by some enemy from the past or that our technical eqippment is being bugged.


Its us, our bodies that are under this s.c. surveillance, and its also our own bodies that infere with the technical equippment. This is done remotely by BMI. (our bodies/brains are "online" 24/7)


If we are ever gonna get recognization and make the public-yet not targeted individuals, aware of that this is really happening to human beings right now, and that we are not "crazy",we need put serious posts out here and not our own assumptions that we might be manipulated to believe.  


I ask all members to reconsider this when posting and reading here./Annie

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  • Kelp said:

    "Sometimes I wonder if this is done as a trial program for some future global social control over individuals, to find out what they can do to shape and mold people to fear doing something wrong or to cause them to change any aspect of their behavior."


    Annie said:

    I think you are on the spot on above sentence. Also maybe to be able to observe and predict who´s at risk becoming a criminal, a therrorist etc. Among other things that they explore while experimenting with our physical bodies and brain, torture, and read off during realtime . 


    "I feel it's about them using a person's internalized guilt, prejudices, and of course fears. But, fear based "motivation" is the least effective and doesn't really change a person, it just serves to make them avoid living."

    I agree, its old fashion classical torture, punishment to learn...giving emptyhopes, lying about freedom. Breaking a person down totally. They although seem to have forgot the "build up" phase. But that might just be on purpose,... as after they are done, we are almost certain damaged gods to them that they want to get rid of.


















































































































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