When faced with a situation in which you know you are being attacked, but the source of the attack remains unclear, methods must be developed to flush out those responsible. In the world of espionage, it is common to use a "tracer". This involves introducing elements, be it phrases, names, dates, places, etc., that are meaningless in themselves but if they are reproduced anywhere, the path they have followed becomes apparent. Similar to placing a dye into water to determine the path the water follows downstream, this can be very powerful tool to reveal the flow of information.
A second very powerful tool is the "hand grenade". This tool allows you to determine how a subject or group responds to given situations. An example would be informing someone that certain acts were illegal, then watching how they deal with particular "grenade". This reveals the character of the people you are dealing with and allows you to develop appropriate responses to their actions.
One such "hand grenade" was handed to the UK Home Office (in 2009 under Labour) under the guise of MI6 being involved in drug dealing in the UK and harassing the target as he was a witness. This was designed to flush out those behind the attacks, but it resulted in something quite unexpected.
Within weeks, the target started to feel strange. Whilst at work, intense sensations, difficulty breathing, problems concentrating, progressively reading into things, connecting too many dots and having their attention draw to little things in order to corrupt their worldview led to the target resigning from their job and vanishing...
Read more here : http://deepthought.newsvine.com/_news/2011/05/22/6656063-can-a-satellite-read-your-thoughts-the-targets-story-part-2