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Targeting Exists Targeting is a phenomenon of a somewhat organized group of people harassing, abusing and targeting another class of innocent people. The targeted people are called “Illegally Targeted People.” Finally the Illegal Targeted Community in March of 2019 has evidence of the existence of “targeting.” This is according to the United States House of Representatives, the ACLU, and many other reputable sources. Several sources, including the ACLU, said that this class of people were “targeted.” Further, Congressman and Congresswoman called them “Targeted Individuals.” Organized Stalking Organized Stalking is carried out by a group of people that work together to stalk, harass, injure, isolate, impoverish, and mentally attack victims with the intention of shattering their life. This crime is distinct from other crimes in that there is generally no motive except for viciousness itself or a as a paid organized criminal. The methods used to carry out the abuses are surreptitious in nature and usually carried out in plain sight. Often modern technology is utilized sometimes even with support from rogue and scandalous perverted law enforcement. Directed Energy Weapons Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW) are ranged weapons that effect its target with highly focused energy, including laser microwaves and particle beams. These military type weapons are now illegally targeting people with electromagnetic frequencies. Voice to Skull (V2K) Voice to Skull (V2k) is a phenomenon to project auditory effects or voices into a person’s head, bypassing the ears. This electromagnetic radiation, including the microwave auditory effect, uses frequencies and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, and harass people. Remote Neural Monitoring Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), as the name suggests, is a technology that can be used to remotely monitor neural activity of a host. With RNM, not only is it possible to violate the privacy of the Illegally Targeted Person, but it is possible to read and manipulate a person’s emotional thought processes along with the subconscious and dreams. Illegal Mind Experiments The United States has a verifiable record of illegal intelligence agency abuses including mind control experiments. This was revealed in the United States Congress’ Church Committee Hearing named after Senator Frank Church. After holding 126 full committee meetings, 40 subcommittee hearings, interviewing some 800 witnesses in public and closed sessions, and combing through 110,000 documents, the committee published its final report on April 29, 1976 determining “intelligence excesses, at home and abroad.” Threats to Silence People This deserves a category all by itself because this is how the United States government is able to implement the targeting program into families and communities. It has widely been reported by the United States agency Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Whistleblower Decorated Specialist Kevin Shipp that CIA intimidates and silences whistleblowers, witnesses, families, and the American people, that speak about government abuse, and will even claim the whistleblower or person that speaks out is having psychological problems. Illegal Surveillance Illegal surveillance is being used on all of the American people so this just makes the Illegal Targeted Program easier to implement by federal agencies and law enforcement Several whistleblowers have come forward so far including Edward Snowden, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe, and Karen Stewart. In fact, National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower William Binney has publicly said “When you marry the intelligence agencies – the secret intelligence agencies - with the police – which is what they’re doing, you end up with a police state and a secret police and that’s exactly what we got.” COINTELPRO and FBI Discrediting COINTELPRO, short for Counterintelligence Program, was a counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations the United States government targeted by infiltrating the organization to discredit them. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political struggle and derail several social movements, such as those for civil rights. |