Hi All, wanted to share this unbelievable thing that I notice has been happening to me. I make It no secret that I'm a targeted individual also known as Gang Stalking and Predatory Gang stalking, I live on the last floor of a three story apartment complex and at times l have notice someone walking on the roof, hours that no workers would be there performing work, if any work was needed to be done. I have seen videos and read stories about other targeted individual complaining of the same situation, saying that they are being beamed at all hours of the day with some kind of technology that is making them sick. Although I know you can't believe everything you read or videos you may see, l now I believe that , it is possible for these sick in the head, low lives Preps along with these sick in the head low lives CIA and FBI/FEDS are doing this to innocent individual including myself. Although I'm not sick as of yet. I just want to inform All about one of the many things that are happening to thousands of innocent people who may be getting sick out of no were and don't know why. I will once again link an article explaining what Predatory Gang Stalking is about. It is well worth the read, it might help you and your family out on day.
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