Home News Feature Targeting Targeted Individuals
Targeting Targeted Individuals
Some Fort Worthians believe they’re under secret attack by the government, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
January 20, 2021
“All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread, see what unravels.” — Fox Mulder, The X-Files
Far on the outer fringes of Fort Worth are people who believe they’re being zapped by military satellites with deadly microwave beams. Cellphone towers and “super computers” are used to stream hateful messages into their subconscious minds, 24/7. These methods and more are part of a vast plot to exert mind control over and torture the entire population, these folks claim.
According to the self-proclaimed victims, they are followed in public by street actors and flash mobs who are hired by shadowy government agencies and private contractors. Their tormentors follow, mock, and harass them, often recording the bullying with cellphones. The victims say that federal- and state-based data-gathering fusion centers, government agencies at all levels, an international crime syndicate, mega-corporations, military contractors, local police, and even citizen neighborhood watch groups are all in on it.
Who are these people who believe they are trapped inside an elaborate and vicious harassment program known as gangstalking or organized criminal stalking? They call themselves targeted individuals, and I tracked down some of them to hear their stories. This is not just a local phenomenon, by the way. Across the nation and around the globe are videos, websites, and social media posts about targeted individuals.
Victims complain of small drones spying through their windows. Their cellphones and computers are hacked and fried. Home burglaries and vandalism are among the other complaints of the targeted individuals I spoke with. They also claim their harassers run “noise campaigns” of strategically timed jarring sounds. Monster pick-up trucks with loud mufflers roar down the street and cars blare their horns or squeal their tires at all hours.
They also hear voices.
Some targeted individuals believe the voices and insults are coming from “V2K,” a microwave technology known as voice-to-skull communication. The microwave technology is one piece of an arsenal of “directed energy weapons” used to harass and torture people, these people allege.
Whether you believe their claims are real, imagined, or a little of both, many targeted individuals appear to be trapped inside a matrix of fear. Critics call the idea of gangstalking a giant hoax or a sign of mental illness, but the victims say the truth is out there.
Targeted individuals point to patents and testimonies from doctors, scientists, and high-profile people like whistleblowers Bill Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe of the National Security Agency (NSA) who have publicly said they are concerned about directed energy weapons. Binney and Wiebe preceded Edward Snowden, another NSA whistleblower. Snowden caused a global uproar when he leaked classified documents that showed how the NSA and other agencies are spying on the public.
The former world technical director for the NSA, Binney has aired his concerns on The Jimmy Dore Show and other programs. To date, directed energy weapons have yet to gain the same widespread attention as massive government spying and surveillance.
Binney said he and others are gathering scientific evidence to show the government is testing directed energy weapons on the general population. He further claims that legal actions — motions, affidavits, and injunctions — will be used to try to stop it.
Directed energy weapons do not use new technology, Binney told the comedian Dore. The technology was developed in the 1970s and 1980s and is even more advanced today. Other invasive technology aimed at the public includes “brain-to-computer interfaces” or computer-based programs that can read your mind, he said.
“Some of these other things are quite a bit nastier than just spying,” Binney said on the program.
Some of Fort Worth’s targeted individuals hover around an online group run by Richard Lighthouse, a rabid government critic from Houston. His online bio states that he previously worked for NASA and holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University.
Lighthouse calls himself an advocate for targeted individuals. He has accused numerous U.S. intelligence agencies and contractors with the U.S. Department of Defense of using weaponized satellites to experiment on and torture the public.
“This is not a joke,” Lighthouse warns on his website and in his dozens of e-books.
The weaponized satellite program, Lighthouse believes, resides at the USAF Space Command at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. There, military personnel are given orders to blast unsuspecting citizens with energy weapons that produce searing pain, unexplained burns on the skin, and bizarre neurological symptoms. The U.S. military is the strategic force behind the satellites, and the CIA in Denver provides the funding for the gangstalking program, according to Lighthouse, who is affiliated with the group
“Cell towers are sending subliminal messages at everyone,” reads a statement on “Subliminal Messaging = Government Mind Control.”
Lighthouse and his followers have sent cease and desist letters to virtually every U.S. intelligence agency, and they have accused Lockheed Martin, AT&T in Dallas, and Raytheon of perpetuating the gangstalking “program.”
Everyone in the United States, wrote the Targeted Justice group in a December 2018 letter to Gen. John Raymond of the Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, “is being tracked by military satellites even your family members and children are being hit with microwave ‘bullets’ from satellites and cell towers. These are directed at their heads and cause brain damage. The satellites are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base.”
A July 19, 2019 letter posted on Lighthouse’s website shows a response from Robert Spencer, vice president and deputy general counsel at Lockheed Martin’s headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. “Lockheed Martin does not participate in the activities you describe in your letter,” Spencer wrote.
Lighthouse has penned a poetry book, Nucking Futs, and written dozens of e-books with equally colorful titles. Clowns, Idiots, Assholes (CIA) & The Smoking Gun, The Governors of Gangstalking, and Cell Phone Hacking & the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA) are just a few.
Lighthouse’s e-books are peppered with photos of grinning U.S. intelligence and military officials, and swastika symbols are superimposed over intelligence agency logos.
He also promotes his theories on time travel and parallel universes in his writings. In 12 Ebooks Deserving the Nobel Peace Prize, Lighthouse nominates himself for each of the highly prestigious awards.
So, who believes this stuff, anyway? To borrow a line from The X-Files, let’s just say, “I want to believe,” but Lighthouse was not very helpful when I emailed him to request an interview. I was met with instant suspicion and an accusation that I’m a government agent posing as a reporter. That would make me a “perp” or perpetrator of gangstalking, as they’re called in the world of targeted individuals.
“We continue to have bad experiences with people sent to do interviews,” Lighthouse replied. “See the CIA program called Project Mockingbird. It is real and still exists today. If you only want an interview without reading the extensive evidence by medical doctors, former government agents, and scientists, then you already have an agenda.”
Whether Lighthouse is a prophet, a comedian, a shill, or “nucking futs,” well, you decide. When I tried to convince him I’m not working for the CIA, he asked me to send him a list of questions. After reviewing my questions, he promptly turned down my interview request. The Targeted Justice board of directors was against it, he said.
Unfortunately, he wrote, the group continues to receive interview requests from fake journalists and fake TV reporters.
“I wish you well,” Lighthouse wrote in an email, and he vanished faster than a UFO flying out of Area 51.
My search for local targeted individuals led me to Chris Young, who agreed to talk on the record about his experiences.
A little more than a year ago, Young began hearing voices, he said. He wasn’t sure where they were coming from, but he knew they were foreign and not chatter from his own mind. They played on and on, like a song stuck in his head, and connected the dots in his life “in the most horrible way,” he said.
The voices, Young said, tried to illicit paranoia in him. They claimed people were tracking him, stalking him, and spying on him, he said. At first, he wondered if the NSA or FBI had launched him into an experimental program. Others told him they might be demons or the voice of the devil himself, he said.
Young’s explanation is just as wild.
“Are you specifically doing a story only on gangstalking or on the other common aspect of the ‘targeted individual’ experience described as ‘electronic harassment’?” Young asked. “In my personal experience, I have found that the former is nothing more than a delusion cultivated by the latter, which, however, is very real.
“In other words,” he continued, “The ‘electronic harassment’ phenomenon of hearing 24/7 voices is generated by some kind of AI program that imitates a group of human beings stalking the individual. That is what elicits the paranoia and makes individuals believe that actual people in their vicinity might be stalking them.”
Most people are “crazy for thinking the government or any other human organization on the planet could be involved in something like this,” he said.
Logistically, Young said, it is impossible to organize massive operations such as street mobs that follow people everywhere they go.
Another local targeted individual I spoke with is Caleb Newton. The Fort Worth man describes himself as a “gypsy soul” who has traveled across the country doing construction work and odd jobs with his father. Much of the work was done on military bases and in churches, he said. Before Newton landed here, he was dating a woman in Fresno, California, who worked as an investigator for the IRS, he said.
Shortly after the relationship ended, Newton saw “up to 12 cars following me or showing up at random places I went and street theater actors meeting me at places I had previously decided to go, acting out scripts in public and many times expressing personal stuff about my life no one could know,” he said.
Sometimes the “actors” filmed him on their cellphones, Newton said.
He also claims he has been subject to sound campaigns with nonstop blaring sirens and a noise like someone banging loudly on a pipe. The noises went on every night and day for months, Newton said.
The weirdness followed him when he came to Texas.
Newton claims to have seen drones, military planes, and “aggressive helicopters” circling over his home. They maneuver through the air as if doing an operation or drill, and the aircraft appear to be less than 1,500 feet above the roof, he said.
“I was feeling different, weird stuff,” Newton said. “They would electrocute me. The jets were releasing static electricity and had a device that would focus a beam of electricity on me like ‘boom!’ ”
Newton said he didn’t tell his family and friends about his experiences for a long time because he feared they would call him crazy. Unfortunately, they did.
After confiding in a close friend, Newtown was told, “ ‘You’re trippin’, man.’ ”
His harassment carried over to social media and to Facebook, where people on Newton’s friends list would invite him to parties and other events yet would refuse to return phone calls or messages when Newton tried to obtain more details or confirm he would attend, he said.
Employment doors are shut nearly everywhere he turns, he added. That reflects another common theme among targeted individuals. They say they become unemployed, unemployable, or homeless due to behind-the-scenes attacks on their character and reputation.
“I’m being systematically torn apart,” Newton told me.
His electronic devices are either fried beyond repair or have to be reset or replaced constantly. “I went through a whole bunch of phones,” Newton said. “At least five phones were destroyed.”
No one believed Newton when he told them people were breaking into his home, stealing his belongings, moving things around, and putting drugs in his food, he said. Other targeted individuals I spoke with also claimed they were drugged or had their homes burglarized.
Similar to Young, Newton believes technology is used to harass him. A cell phone app he uses shows he is being “doused with radiation,” Newton said. Additionally, he believes different frequencies are aimed at him and have caused everything from short-term confusion and fatigue to headaches and making his bowel movements go or stop.
After we talked several times, Newton sent me a message saying the harassment against him was increasing because he was exposing the gangstalking program and how it works.
“Do me a big favor,” Newton wrote in a text message. “Do humanity one, as well. Don’t let my death be in vain when this all comes down.”
Stunned, I tried to contact him a few days later, but his phone was out of service. Text messages and emails I sent went unanswered.
After joining Facebook groups and reading numerous online posts on other social media outlets, I soon found that there is no shortage of interesting people in the world of targeted individuals.
“They are trying to destroy me and my credibility for some reason,” wrote a Fort Worth woman who identified herself as Deborah Withrow in a public forum on gangstalking. “Who the hell is paying for this surveillance? They have been coming into my job the whole four years, putting something in the walls in my lobby and restroom walls that look like nano mics.”
The microphones are “so small they look like a very small black wire with a black square on one end and barbs on the tail of the wire to make it stick in sheet rock,” she wrote. “People will come in with phone in hand and big earphones on to hear what they have gotten from mics. Why me? I’m a nobody.”
Another person I found online was Richard Moore, who runs the Facebook page North Mississippi Anti-Gangstalking Association and the United States Anti-Gangstalking Association on YouTube. Moore travels across the country talking with other targeted individuals and interviewing them on his social media pages.
Moore says he is a targeted individual, as well.
“I see dozens of people on a daily basis stalking me,” Moore told me in a phone interview. “I’ve been harassed from one end of the country to the next.”
The harassment ramped up when he recently drove from Mississippi to Mesa, Arizona, to visit a friend.
“I was boxed in by 18-wheelers and had to take the left shoulder at 85 miles an hour,” Moore said.
Drones come around his home at night, and a volunteer fire department building across the street has a camera trained on his home, he said.
“I’ve had stuff done to my car,” Moore said. “All of my lug nuts were loosened on every wheel. I’m tired of this creepy-ass shit, people screwing with my shit, and God forbid if I get the name of any one of those drone operators.”
To deter the drones, Moore installed colorful disco lights that strobe across his front lawn. This, he said, is designed to give the drones “the show of their lifetime.”
During our interview, Moore told me he has a problem with those who say the concept of targeted individuals is made up. Too many people have similar stories, and “this is not a case of people suffering from a worldwide mass delusion,” he said.
Adding to the problem, Moore explained, is that many people who claim to be advocates for targeted individuals are actually working against them. He believes they’re simply gathering testimonies to control the narrative, spread disinformation and discredit the victims.
“They know what’s happening because they’re the ones doing it,” Moore said.
Moore is not a fan of the Targeted Justice crew. In his opinion, they claim to be preparing legal action, yet they are more talk than action, he said.
“They will take, and they will throw gas on every theory, every hoax, every sleight of hand, and they’ll back it up with phony scientific proof, and, folks, that’s why I’m wearing shorts because the bullshit gets deep,” Moore also said in one of his videos.
He agrees with them on some points. Moore concurs that everyone is targeted in the sense that we are all under some form of surveillance every day. Our data and electronics are easily monitored and mined for information. And as the NSA whistleblowers have demonstrated through classified documents and their testimonies, data can be collected on all citizens, not just suspected criminals or terrorists.
Moore noted that after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Patriot Act ushered in sweeping government powers for surveillance of the citizenry. That included the birth of the Department of Homeland Security and “fusion centers.” The centers are promoted to the public as a way to reduce domestic terrorism through information shared among intelligence agencies and police organizations.
Locally, the North Texas Fusion Center in McKinney describes itself as “an all-crimes, all-hazards approach to the intelligence cycle in an overall effort to mitigate threats or hazards to the North Central Texas Region while protecting the constitutional rights of all citizens.”
The center works with government and corporate “stakeholders,” according to its website.
“Data is being collected on every breathing entity in the U.S.,” Moore said. “It’s a fact, and it’s designed that way. It’s used as an attempt to interject into someone’s life, to slow it down or speed up … and nothing stops them from doing that.”
Under the guise of national security, people are placed on watch lists as persons of interest or suspected terrorists. The catch is you will never be told you are on a list and you cannot challenge it, Moore said.
In Moore’s opinion, “It’s massive fraud.”
But why go to so much trouble? Because there’s big money and grants galore in the business of policing the homeland.
In 2020, a total of more than $1.1 billion in federal grants was budgeted for the state homeland security program, urban area security, and “Operation Stonegarden,” a border security program, according to government documents.
Moore said his many complaints and reports about being stalked are ignored. He has called the FBI, the sheriff’s department, and 911 to complain about the drones hovering around his home and peering in his windows, but no one wants to listen to him because “they already had their story, and their story is a damn lie,” Moore told me.
Moore, a former businessman, said that because of his criminal background, his many reports and complaints are ignored. He voluntarily told me he is an ex-felon who served time in federal prison for a crime he maintains he did not commit.
A character assassination was launched against him after he made enemies in business, Moore said. Specifically, a mail advertising flyer he created was stealing too much ad revenue from a local publication, according to Moore. That led to a criminal setup that involved planted evidence, he maintains.
In a January 2006 article, a local publication wrote that police and county sheriff’s officers “were conducting a burglary investigation at Moore’s residence, which resulted in the seizure of various pieces of evidence, including his personal computer and a printed image of child pornography.”
According to Moore, a foreign exchange student who temporarily stayed in his home accessed underage pornography, but because Moore owned the computer, he was charged with the crime.
“I lost everything,” he said.
Moore also alleges that law enforcement is perpetuating the harassment against him. In late December 2020, Moore was arrested for cyberstalking for what he categorized as calling out the names of his alleged stalkers on Facebook, which included members of law enforcement.
Moore said he did it because he was frustrated at the nonstop surveillance and lack of any help.
Moore alleges that after he was arrested and placed in jail overnight, someone broke into his home and turned the oven on full blast in an attempt to set the house on fire. He also claims he was strip-searched and manhandled by officers at the jail. On his Facebook page, Moore posted photos of sexually explicit signs he alleges were left in his yard on the night of his recent arrest.
Like other targeted individuals, Moore has also complained of electronic harassment that produces physical pain and insomnia.
Although it does not prove they are used for widespread harassment against the public, directed energy weapons do exist.
Strange neurological symptoms experienced by American diplomats in China and Cuba “are consistent with the effects of directed microwave energy,” according to a recent report by the National Academies of Sciences. The report stopped short of proving that it was due to a directed energy weapon.
Additionally, the U.S. Department of Defense is developing directed energy weapons for war applications, according to the agency’s website.
The Air Force Research Laboratory has developed a model for “high-power microwave systems, a class of directed energy weapons where a very short, extremely high-power burst of energy is transmitted to create a wide variety of effects on a target, often focused on its electronics components.”
Organized stalking campaigns are also conceivable. Companies exist that accept pay to destroy someone’s life. One of these companies,, calls itself the “best revenge for hire service in the world.” Most of the dirty work is done by contractors offshore, although the company claims on its website that they do not break any laws.
In a documented case of gangstalking, an Ohio couple filed a lawsuit alleging that for the past 11 years, residents including city officials have been driving by their home while revving their car’s engines, screeching tires, and honking horns, for as long as five to 10 minutes at a time. According to the lawsuit, there have been “thousands” of such events.
The couple alleges the stalking began in 2007 over a land purchase dispute with a former fire chief, according to published reports.
One problem facing targeted individuals is that their claims sound crazy and are often categorized under symptoms of paranoia and other forms of mental illness. They are often very difficult to prove, as well.
To find out what else could be at play, I sought the help of an expert, Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, a licensed psychologist in Brooklyn. Nuccitelli is also the founder and CEO of iPredator, and he researches cyberbullying, cyberstalking, online predators, internet trolling, and “the dark side” of human consciousness.
“OK, Scully,” Nuccitelli said when I told him about the story I was working on. He jokingly nicknamed me the skeptical female sidekick to Fox Mulder on The X-Files.
Nuccitelli agreed to anecdotally comment on gangstalking from a psychologist’s perspective. In essence, people who believe there is a conspiracy against them or that they are being followed everywhere they go are usually experiencing mild to severe paranoia or delusions, he said.
Part of it involves something called “confirmation bias,” the act of stringing together events to create a narrative to support a belief. The internet, Nuccitelli said, has made that even easier. All a person has to do is find one other person to agree with them, and off they go.
“If I see fog and believe I’ve seen a ghost, then it’s a ghost,” Nuccitelli explained, adding that it is difficult to change someone’s mind once a belief sets in. “Once you ask them to entertain the idea that it might be something psychological, they turn you right off.”
He views “targeted individuals” as a fascinating study into the human need for self-preservation and the desire to belong to a group.
“As part of the human condition, it is natural for all of us to practice self-preservation,” Nuccitelli said. “We are social pack animals and genetically wired to protect ourselves and the proverbial ‘group.’
“Unfortunately, some people and groups exhibit paranoid thinking by going from skeptical and vigilant to hypervigilant and afraid,” he continued. “Paranoia is a psychopathological manifestation of self-preservation and skepticism. Blind faith, confirmation bias, and mild to severe paranoid thinking leads some folks to believe in the absolute absurd.”
Nuccitelli not only studies stalking behavior. He has experienced it himself. A group of podcasters who used to have Nuccitelli on their show had a falling out with him and launched a smear campaign against him, he said. In 2014, they created websites filled with wild accusations, including that he is a federal agent. (Sound familiar?)
Nuccitelli calls his harassers “the tin foil hat crew.” They went as far as contacting the state licensing board to try to destroy his career. Although the complaint gained no traction, he still endured the stress of dealing with it. Ultimately, Nuccitelli decided to leave his critics alone and not attempt to have the content taken down from the websites, including
“They simply prove everything I’m trying to warn people about,” he said.
Not everyone is so lucky. Such attacks can damage a person’s credibility and reputation to the point where their entire life is destroyed.
After several conversations about gangstalking, Nuccitelli asked me what I think about it based on everything I saw and heard.
I couldn’t resist by replying with another X-Files reference.
“The truth is out there,” I told him. “And Agent Mulder, it’s really out there.”