It has been a long and arduous journey for the human species to get to the current phase of existence that we are experiencing today. We have certainly evolved in our ability to manipulate our environment, but it would appear that we are no closer to understanding our minds and the true nature of what forces are guiding our existence.
Psychological disturbance is rising amongst all of us, as we seem to be steering life on planet earth towards a world of all encompassing pain and disabling fear. And we are using our mastery of technology to keep us safe from these fears, which is inadvertently controlling our lives. As increasing controls are put in place to supposedly protect us, our personal experience of life is shrinking, hence increasing our pain and reducing our ability to grow wiser from it.
Individually and collectively, this process is convincing us that we should continue to run from our pain by chasing the false lure of happiness! Yet in reality, it is pain that is guiding us towards its destiny of control, as there is no happiness at the end of this tunnel, only darkness - a world of alienation, where our chance to liberate our existence out of the Insanity of Humanity will be gone forever…
A chance that is still alive today, so let’s not waste any more time! .......Read more/