Human beings come onto planet earth for approximately eight decades. They come from their mothers womb empty handed. They leave again approximately eight decades later equally empty handed.
While human beings are alive on planet earth we are all equal. We are all made from the same genetic material. We all have endless potential. We are all of infinite value for no other reason than we are human beings. We do not need to prove anything to anybody.
While we are alive on planet earth we learn to co-operate with each other and we learn self-mastery. There are a small number of individuals who do not evolve properly. They fail to learn self mastery over their own lower egos. They become inculcated into a false reality construct where they adopt a heirarchical mind set. These sick individuals feel it is acceptable to look up to some other individuals and grovel to them like toadys. They feel it is acceptable to look down on other individuals and order them about, and torture them with secret wireless torture technology if they do not obey their orders.
These individuals have come to be known as the self-proclaimed elite. They are causing a problem to the rest of the human race at the moment. With the aid of advanced wireless technology they are attempting total worldwide takeover. They are attempting this planetary wide takeover by using a number of different methods.
The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated the public school system. Their teaching methods now involve changing the attitudes of the students so that the students would be willing to accept a total totalitarian dictatorship and would be unwilling to ever challenge the false authority of the self-proclaimed elite. They illegally drug some students. A dumbed down and uninformed human race is easier to enslave that a healthy, confident and intelligent human race.
The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry and they have blended all pharmaceutical drugs and vaccinations with poisons.
The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated psychiatry and they have illegally created fake mental disorders so that the legal system could be circumvented so that sane individuals could be incarcerated in mental facilities if they did not fit into the rigid control system which the self-proclaimed elite are currently creating.
The would-be dictatorship have created hundreds of hoaxes over many years in order to confuse and distract the human race. They have created the extra-terresterial hoax, the demonic possession hoax , the existence of satellite hoax, the near death experience hoax and the moon landing hoax among many other hoaxes. They have achieved a measure of success by using extremely advanced technology where they can insert whole experience sets into the mind of a human being so that said human being can not tell the difference between a real experience and a falsely inserted experience. They have also used extremely advanced technology to bio-robotize some partially brain-mapped human beings by the use of neuro weapons and made these human beings behave as if they were demonically possessed.
The would-be dictatorship attend the World Economic Forum, which is an annual think tank, where they sit among the guests and make decisions which will impact negatively on the rest of the human race for years to come. We must stay way from the World Economic Forum because demonstrators may be covered with invisible nano-dust by the security staff so that they can be identified and punished at a later date. Instead we must expose the real agenda of the would-be dictatorship to the rest of the human race while there is still time in order to obstrust their intended evil plan of world wide wireless enslavement of the human race.
Technology is a trojan horse. There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.