Chemistry of the soil affected by telluric currents, effect on crops ..... Telluric currents and the electrical distribution system, more on the Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics: The Ultimate Inside Report on the World Technocracy
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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics, Leading Edge Research Group, August 1999, 238 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 Velo Bound, with master index. Edited and footnoted by Val Valerian. For almost six years, a select group of world scientists also on the path of self-knowledge and discovery began to transmit fascinating information to Leading Edge Research Group in regard to technological developments occurring behind the scenes in the planetary control paradigm, as well as new developments occurring in other facets of society, covered in annual meetings, primarily in Chicago, Illinois but also in New York and other locations around the world. The information first began to appear in the Leading Edge Research Journal in 1993, where the group introduced themselves to readers and then embarked on a series of revelations that began to evoke a lot of interest in the research community.

In 1995, when more of the series was released in LE Journal No.78, the contents literally rocked people all over the world, revealing developments in manipulative electromagnetics and mind control suspected but never actually verified until that time. The Chicago Research Group periodically released data in the Leading Edge Research Journal over the next several years, often in parallel with pertinent data in Kostas LambrakisUnified Field and Takyon-Delton Physics series, as planetary conditions and situations warranted. New scientific discoveries in astronomy, neurology, applied materials sciences and a host of other areas brought a vast array of data to researchers worldwide.

A tremendous amount of research on planetary changes and changes in the universe around us also came forth as the series continued through the years into 1999, often incorporating commentary, supporting background information and verification of events and trends brought forth by other researchers. A staggering amount of data covering literally hundreds of subjects is contained in this collection of published Chicago Group material extracted from the Leading Edge Research Journal. Issue No. 78 alone contained commentary on 111 different subjects. As the 1990's progressed, more data detailing the involvement of both extraterrestrial and dimensional races in our planetary affairs was discussed, expanding the scope of the information available to LEIRG readers even further. When Alex Collier brought forth his information in the late 1990's, these scientists were able to verify a lot of data on events and trends not only in regard to the Earth, but also our solar system.

In June 1999, the decision was made to combine everything released into one volume, totally re-indexed and expanded to include current developments. For those who have always wanted to know the inside details of what has been happening around them but have never had much success in finding out, this book will be an eye-opening and transforming experience. You will be one of the select few who actually know the details behind trends and events that keep the rest of the population guessing. Incredible discoveries about consciousness and reality are enfolded into the material. You will not be the same person after reading this material. The book is available only from Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Index of Subjects Covered:

60Hz frequency as harmonic of Theta brain frequency
60Hz power frequencies, effect on human brain of
A Global Famine Begins in 1998 - 1999
A Major Split Among the One World Hegemony
A Note About the December 1997 Asteroid Impact in Greenland
A Reiteration on the Blaming of Natural Disasters on El Nino
A Scalar-Takyonic change in natural pulse of Earth is observed
A Space-Time Shift Will Be in Progress on Earth
Aappearance of a new type of acoustical radiation
Acceleration of apparent time flow by spacetime changes
Acceleration of events and magnification of emotions in quantum changes
Access possible to any computer on the planet through scalar freq
Acoustical Emission of Nitrous Oxides and Holographic Patterns
Acoustical sonochemistry and sonic radioactivity
Activation of dormant DNA-RNA and biological processes
Aerial distribution of pathogenic organisms in progress
Alien scenario, general commentary on the
Alien technology for information acquisition of implanted humans
Alteration of the holographic morphogenetic field and cell transmutation
American’s socially tested by the slave media for scenarios
An Evalution of Professor Hapgoods 5/5/2000 Scenario
An intelligence behind changes in the solar system
Ancient prophecies and parallel reality systems
Annual seasonally related social phenomena
Answering machines as a brilliant money-making concept
Apathy of the planet has reached epic proportions
Aqueous media, ability to store information matrices
Artificially Created Solar Plasma Flare in 1997
Aspects of alternative and parallel reality systems
Atmospheric Electrochemical Mind Control
Atmospheric oxygen depletion is at critical levels for human existence
Attitude and orientation, importance of during upcoming changes
August 1999 seen as trigger point for major millennium changes
Being aware of “in-between” spaces
Belief systems and perception, discussion of
Biological kinetics of DNA and RNA and hormones
Biological systems, effect of electromagnetic fields on, discussion of
Biophysical time flux parameter alteration for political aims
Blood, crystalline aspects of, intefered with by external electromagnetics
Bombing of the African US embassies
Books that will help the seeker and student of the spiritual path
Brain and genome research, unusual, being done by governments/military
Brain as a biological space-time energy transducer
Brain entrainment, television and, effect on consumer mental states
Brain Research and Related Topics
Brain research specifically related to behavior modification and control
Brain Research Tools Currently in Use
Brain, discussion of the concept of 10% use of
Brain, entrainment of, by exterior pulsing magnetic field emissions
Brain, human, tampering with, using external electromagnetic frequencies
Brain, patterns, normal vs those affected by external power frequencies
Brain, resonance with external powerline frequencies during sleep
Brazil on the point of total financial collapse
Cancer clusters in humans, relationship with telluric ground currents
Cellular communications towers, national, importance in control network
Cellular Photonic Emission
Changes as a gift of the Is-ness to allow for evolution of consciousness
Changes Coming in Our Reality Are Hyperdimensional in Nature
Changes on Earth reflecting changes in solar configuration
Changes which occur in the Earth Grid Network and biosystems
Changing fundamental physical constants, more data
Changing of the Newtonian into Quantum Paradigms
Chemistry of the soil affected by telluric currents, effect on crops
Cities as potential "time bombs" for electromagnetic control paradigms
Climate, trends in the planetary
Clusters of 3-5 towers spaced 15 miles apart, 50 ft tall
Communications Media Switching to Photonic Technology
Conditions necessary to practice steps for becoming one with all
Confusion of the Population With Synthetic Spiritual Paradigms
Consciousness and Unified Field Energy, link between
Consciousness, mediation by quantum mechanical wave phenomena
Consciousness, public, manipulated to freeze quantum probability wave
Consciousness, pure form of, as holographic information wave
Contact Made with Interdimensional Beings of the 7th Plane
Creativity induction as a defense againt social programming functions
Crop Circles as Geometric Holographic Energy Transducers
Crystalline growth, interference with by electromagnetic fields
Currency manipulations and the use of gold to fund black projects
Current Trends in Political and Economic Control
Cycles of the earth and paradigm shifts
Dairy industry problems with telluric currents
Defaulting of U.S. Treasury Bonds foreseen
Deliberate Alteration of Atmospheric Constituents
Deliberate blocking of human neural hyperfunctions
Description of Electromagnetic Control Measures Started in 1995
Description of the Montauk Delta-T Antenna System
Description of the protective device called the Takyon Capsule
Drastic changes in global scenarios since February 1999
Earth changes and "fear"
Earth changes and personal transformation
Earth changes and religious paradigms
Earth changes and the new millennium paradigm shift
Earth changes, electromagnetics and weather
Earth changes, prediction and prophecy
Earth grid damage, caused by military and technological meddling
Earth grid dynamics and geopathic zones
Earth Grid Network manipulation using electromagnetic technology
Earth Grid Network, interaction with telluric currents with
Earth grid resonators, artificial, constructon of, as aid to planetary grid
Earth grounding of planetary power distribution systems, problems with
Earth oscillations and rotational variance
Earth, planetary wobbles of the
Earthquake production technology used by military industrial complex
East Coast Transmitters Related to Montauk Site
Ecologism and Control of Spiritual Needs of the Masses
Economic overview as of December 1998
Economic state of the United States is precarious
Effect of Binary Solar Radiation on the Human Brain and DNA
Effect of Classical Music on Human RNA and DNA
Effect of Classical Music on the Human Immune System
Effects of the New Solar Electromagnetic Radiation
Effects of the spacetime continuum warp on the human psyche
Effects on people of quantum biophysical changes
Eighth Level Beings and their observation of us
Electromagnetic field effects on biological systems, notable books on
Electromagnetic frequencies, use of, to tranquilise the population
Electromagnetic Manipulation of the Earth Grid in Progress
Electromagnetic theory, brief introduction to
Electromagnetics Being Used to Make Soil Unable to Grow Food
Electronic mind control on national basis immune from power grid loss
Electronic traffic monitors at intersections and infrared beam tech
Electronically induced sono-chemical processes in the brain and body
ELF and ULF frequencies, resonant with cortical brain frequencies
Emotional energy of population being "harvested"
Emotional manifestation of events by the population
Empty but highly focused mind as defense against some programming
Energy fields of plants and humans relative to ambient field intensities
Epic Developments in Spiritual /Metaphysical Communities
Epilogue, Leading Edge #125 August 1999
Goodwill Message from Dr. DD to All Readers, 8 August 1999
1992 UNCED Agenda, main points of the
Ethnic manipulation through technology
Europa Air Engine
Evidence Being Presented That Giza Pyramid At Least 10,000 years old
Existence of Particle Beam Weapons on the Moon
Experimentation with Holographic Circuitry Templates
Extrapolation from animal experiments to human conditions problematic
Falun Dafa, the "controversial" Martial Art of,
Feb 1998 Lambeth Palace Conference on Religious Unification
Field effects created by time and the time flux matrix
Final Age of Confusion, books by the sage Lao Tzu describing
Fluorides and chloride use part of DNA modification program
Fluorides inhibit the hyperfunctions of the brain
Food, depletion of the life force in
Fort Lewis artillery practice resonant with average human heart rhythm
Fulcanelli, alchemist, monitoring of government atomic programs by
Fundamental Constants of Physics Are Beginning to Change
Future changes, emerging consciousness and new technologies
Gaia Worship as a Vehicle for Monitoring and Control
Gamma ray emissions from space, increasing frequency of
Generating Technologically Caused Biological Plagues
Genetic cataloging of the population, efforts toward
Geological changes and imminent "ice age" conditions
Geophysics, Heliophysics, Astrophysics and Global Impact
Gestalt Depth Psychology used as media programming tool
Global manipulation of geological events
Global Mind Linkage 1999
Gold metal, surveillance detection technology used by governments
Gold, synthetically manufactured using high technology
Golden Flower Meditation Best Way to Prepare for Changes
Government corruption has permeated local governments
Government self-survival activities, details on
Government Use of Rage Induction on Populations
Haarp Project, rationale behind the
Harvesting of emotional energy from population centers
Hayes, Anna, and the Guardian Alliance information paradigm
High frequency sound now detectable near new towers
Hilbert space and phase space relative to reality systems
Hollywood use of emotional energy matrices in media
Holographic information wave as infinite information continuum
Holographic universe, introduction to concepts of the
Hot Spots being deliberately created to cause conflict
How to attune oneself and handle the spacetime changes
How to really “Wag the Dog”
Human Body Fields and Thought Processes
Hundredth monkey theory, introduction to the concept of the
Hyperbolic Channels in the Human Body and Relation to Chakra Points
Hyperspatial physics and phase conjugate technology used for gold making
Illuminati Millennium Rituals - Arizona Wilder
Illuminati Millennium Rituals - by David Icke
Imminent presence of Niburu/Elohim and Jehovah civilizations
Importance of the desire to act while knowing what you know
Increased Censoring of Media by Government Agencies
Increasing Amounts of Solar UV Radiation of Many Types
Individual Electromagnetic Signatures
Individual impact in prediction and prophecy
Induction of Rage and Anger States In Order to Manipulate Populations
Information band, acoustical substructure of the
Intent as a luminal process that bypasses ordinary neural networks
Interdimensional forces monitoring events in our timeline
Introduction to the Scientist-Initiates
Introduction to the Scientist-Initiates and Their Order
Lambrakis, Dr. Kostas, Unified Field theory of
Landau waves, quantum mechanical relativistic phenomena of
Latest Astrophysical and Cosmic Overview
Latest Events in December 1997 and January 1998
Latest update on Global Changes for January 1999
Lemurians as Ancient Progenitors of the Babylonians
Light, Color and the Geometric Harmony of Brain Waves
Linear and Non-Linear Time Fields and Coordinate Systems
Magnetic Components of Brain Activity and Structure
Magnetic Fields of the Human Brain
Magnetic fields, pulsating, hyperspatial components interact with biofields
Magnetic-Acoustical Resonance Chambers in the Human Brain
Magnetohydrodynamic effect of EM fields on blood cells
Making the personal choices and investment in our future
Manipulation of the Asian Economy by International Bankers
Mars Mission and Orchestrated Malfunctions
Massive behavior control potential with microwave systems in 1998
Materials science developments, 1993 developmental breakdown
Matrix III Volume Two, Chicago Group evaluation of
Mechanisms of electrical movement within the Earth, proposals on
Mediation of the primordial unified field by takyons
Medical campaign to target "unauthorised forms of diagnosis"
Meeting Agenda and Order of Topics
Metallic behavior variance in reflective vs absorption mode
Micromagnetic fields produced by the brain preceeding voluntary activity
Microtubule activation through quantum oscillations in microwaves
Microtubules and consciousness theories
Microwave systems and the Earth Grid Network
Microwave Tower Proliferation and Electronic Mind Control
Microwave towers constructed on Earth Grid Network crosspoints
Mid-Brain Cavity as a Hyperspacial Bridge Structure
Military experimentation with geophysical engineering
Military projects using infra-sound and scalar-wave engineering
Military, lower ranks of, expendible to control paradigm
Mind and Behavior Control Potential of the Telephone
Mind control projects, present day, result of CIA/NSA work
Mind control transmitters, primary, located under the ground
Mind of biological systems and crystal lattices as transducers
Mind-brain-DNA complex and neurophysiological function
MK Projects, further refinement into super-technological devices of abuse
Monetary Problems of Japan Can Destabilize Everything
Money and currency, surveillance of, planetary
Montauk technology moved to Idaho and Washington State
Moon, placement as gravitational stabiliser for planet Earth
Moon, crystalline structures on, as EM gravitational transducers
More explanations about the dual-sun system we have
More on the insidious nature of fluoridation of drinking water
More on the strategic and tactical political scenarios
Morphic field resonant phenomena manifestation
Morphogenetic fields and the biological information wave/field
Morphogenetic fields, introduction to the concept of
Most Orthodox Scientists Clueless About Nature of Solar System
Multi-body composition of the human being
Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Crop Circles
Nanotechnology and the Neurochemistry of Enlightenment
National Security Agency Brainwave Targeting Technology
Necessity to avoid drinking municipal water supplies
Neural networks, merging of silicon and biological, in classified programs
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP), as a social programming tool
Neurological Magnetic Fields and Altered States of Consciousness
Neurological networks, volume transmission vs hard-wiring
Neutrinos, Solitons, Gravitons, Photons, Takyons, definitions of
New “Moons” around Mercury
New Alchemical Methodology Will Be An Agricultural Dynamic
New microwave towers, multiplexed functions and Delta-T waves
New potentials relating to the global mind linkage
New Science and Technology Will Be Based on Biofields of Consciousness
New Spiritual Cosmic Dance and the New Alchemy
New Theories of Biological Cell Morphology
Nieper, Dr. Hans, invention of takyon plate Unified Field device
Non-attentuation of hyperspatial components of pulsed magnetic fields
Non-linear temporal degradation of EM field affects on biological cells
North Korean move against Japan, Sept 1998
NSA control of the Hollywood media industry
Nuclear confrontation, India and Pakistan
Omega Agency, the
One World Order Composite Religious Structure
Operation Desert Storm, electromagnetics used against Iraquis
Optical phase conjugation technologies
Optophotonic & optoacoustical frequency DNA/RNA induction
Organometallic compounds in the atmosphere represent a hazard
Other frequencies “bleeding through” into this one
Our new psychocivilized society patterned after Delgado & Skinner
Overlay wave, entrainment of the brain by the
Parallel realities and earth changes
Parallel universes, introduction to the concept of
Parks, National, purchase of lands by other interests
Perceived time as a by-product of consciousness and acoustics
Personal Protection from Electromagnetic Control Protocols
Phase conjugation non-linear electromagnetics, use against people of
Phenomenon of Synesthesia
Photon belt concept, origin of the
Photonic and Radiation damage to DNA
Physicists Discover Change in Electron Charge Constant in 1997
Physics and psychology of prediction and prophecy
Physics of Mind Control, theoretical background on
Planetary Economic Came Close to Collapse in June 1998
Plate techtonics, control of, using geophysical engineeting technologies
Polarity-based conflict, a neutral standpoint
Political figures, world, protection of, from electromagnetic control
Political, Psychological and Tactical Scenario
Population control through time and event manipulation
Potential impact of the global mind linkage
Power grid frequency harmonics as resonant with brain frequencies
Power grid, discussion of selection of 50Hz/60Hz systems for use
Precipitation of some “borderline” cases by frequency changes
Present Global Economic and Political Scenario
Prince Phillip, Sir James Wolfensohn and the Pagan World Order
Probabilities and the occurrence of events
Production of Psychoactive Atmospheric Gases
Project "Holy See" and the Techno-Spiritual Hoodwinking of the Planet
Projected Solar Events in 1999
Projections of Observation of Strange Behavior Globally
Prophecies, Predictions, Time Flow and Perception
Protection devices against electromagnetic brain and behavior intrusion
Protection strategies and the subconscious mind
Protective Materials Relative to Space and Solar Radiation
Protocols for Planetary Population Genocide
Psychic Clairvoyance Predicting Pathogenic Breakouts
Psychic phenomena, superluminal perineural transport and, models of
Psycho-Acoustical and Luminal Brain Entrainment
Pulsing magnetic fields, production of, as defense against intrusive EM
Purposeful creation of weather phenomena for other purposes
Purposeful creation of weather phenomena for political aims
Quantum changes affecting human DNA/RNA complexes
Quantum physics, introduction to concepts of
Quantum relativistic shifts in the spacetime continuum
Radiation belt in M45 Galaxy, discussions on the
Rationale for government desire for all children to have computers
Realignment of the Earth Grid
Refurbishment of Abandoned U.S. Military Bases
Regressive Groups, predictions and prophecies
Relationships between fields and potentials
Relationships between weather phenomena and solar status
Religious and Elitist Synthetic New Age
Replica of Giza Pyramid in China Found with Intact Capstone
Repositioning of the second sun using technology
Reprogramming the brain with optophotonic technology
Reptilian Controversy Rocks Paranormal Net Groups
Reptilian presence on Earth and their activities
Research of D.G. Goldstein
Responsibility for HAARP Project Now in Navy ONR Hands
Revelations of the Clementine Moon Mission
Review of Maurice Strongs 1992 UNCED antics with population control
Review of the Work of Dr. Jose Delgado
Russian Mafia and the Soviet Union vs the One World Order
Sacred Dance and Changing Bioelectromagnetic Factors, Tai Chi
Scalar wave energy devices, analysis of the work of Dr. Tom Bearden on
Secret Excavations Going on In Egypt
Seeds need more magnetic field strength to germinate
Self-Styled Elite are preparing to dive for cover
Sheldrake, Rupert, books of
Shifting Structure and Relationships in the Solar System
Silent weapons electromagnetic technology
Situations which can cause dimensional “bleed-through”
Six-Fold Structure of Cell Morphology
Social manpulation, trends in, commentary on
Social rhythms, cycles and clocks as synthetic programming tools
Soft Electrons, Hard Electrons, Positrons, Holes, definitions of
Solar changes will affect crop harvests and stock markets
Solar electromagnetic radiation aggravates EMF/EMR conditions
Solar Emission Spectrum turning from yellow to white
Solar flares and other solar system changes
Solar Phenomena, current activities concerning
Solar Phenomena, prospectus June 1999 to June 2000, concerning
Biophysics of Touching and Love
Solar system activity and a new evolutionary process
Solar system, binary nature of, more data on
Sono-Chemistry and Advances in Neurophysics
Spacetime continuum changes and biosystem effects
Space-time fabric is undergoing twistor motion and quantum changes
Standard Debit Card as the goal of cashless society
Stock Market, Glitches and Mind Control
Subliminals Inserted Into Television Broadcasting
Sun and Solar Radiation Phenomena
Suns as cold plasma white hole structures
Superluminal transmission of morphogenetic alteration in body cells
Super-Secret Nanotechnology of the Technocrats
Nanotech Water
Surveillance of the population, AT&T, FCC and National Standards Bureau
Surveillance tecchnologies, development of new and novel
Surveillance Technology and EM Phase Conjugation
Tactical Implications of New Science and Technology
Tactical Scenarios against populations based on high technology
Tai Chi and Chi Kung, practice of, to promotion circulation of Chi energy
Takyon fields use as protection against radionic and psychotronic fields
Takyons, ability of consciousness itself to enfold
Tampering with human DNA by the Elohim Group
Targeting of Asian Nations With Non-IMF Tendencies
Technocrats Are Urging Increase in Electronic Mind Control
Technological Mimicking of Human Hormones to Induce Behavior
Technological Requirements for Protection from EM Control Protocols
Technology, ability of, to go against the will of the individual
Telegeodynamics, shifting of tectonic stress to other locations
Tele-Geodynamics, the science of geophysical engineering
Telegeodynamics: Technological Creation of Natural Disasters
Telephone receiver, affect on human brain of magnetic fields and
Telephone receiver, monitoring of populations using the
Television and VDT's, effect on Human Genetic Structure
Telluric currents and the electrical distribution system, more on the
Telluric currents, behavioral effect on human mind and behavior
Telluric currents, cyclic behavior of, affected by solar and geomagnetics
Telluric underground currents and their effect on biological life forms
Terms used in alternative energy and free energy physics
Three steps for becoming one with the Universe
Time as a biological field quantum relativistic Effect
Time locks, temporal activation and acoustical brain activation
Time shifts and accelerated flows, more data on
Time, social, impingement on individual experience
Transformation of microtubule structures and quantum operations
Transmitters Similar to HAARP on the US East Coast
Traumatisation of the biological morphic field by exterior electromagnetics
Ultra-violet harmonic technologies
Ultraviolet radiation effects the human brain and psyche
Ultraviolet radiation, profusion of, "B", "C" and "D" radiation problems
Underground tunnel networks linking military bases, Washington State
US Media Avoiding Discussion of Foreign Anomalous Disasters
USAF 1993-1994 Recon Over the United States
Various non-polluting technologies are becoming known
Virtual Reality technology, commentary on
Visual Traces of the Secondary Sun in Our Binary System
Wag the Dog as a Space-Time Sequence Gestalt
Water, restructuring of, as key to remedy for planetary ailments
Wave function of the timeline and events
Weather Modification Technology Blamed on El Niño
What “prediction” really is
What about the ideas of prediction and prophecy?
What’s going on with biological and chemical warfare?
Why Predicted Earth Changes Haven’t Happened Yet
Why the Government Is Interested in Brain Research
Work of Skinner on Behavior Modification
Wormhole Technologies, and NASA
Year 2000 Computer Problem, the

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