Posted by johnnytrial on January 23, 2012 at 1:03pm
When i find the tampered devices ,its as if i took a babys toy away, the indy 500 raceway by my house,only reason i am kinda staying home,because the evidence i have is my life ,i had 3 years taken from me , everything i worked for has been sabotaged, even my resume removed from job networks ,even a state network , the bastards got my prepaid phone controlled and transponded to virginia , my ip address is hijacked and they sre downloading copyrighted material with my ip address also the material is wierd like chloroform , porn stuff , fact is i got like 11 circuit boards / processers/ and RAM cards ,4 hard drives that spray gas out of them ,and 200 micro laser image things they jammed in my walls and other nano micro iyems made from 3 d printers ,even got rocks with tiny laser looking things in them,also my popcorn ceilimgs have wierd looking things ,televisions dvd vcr are screwed with too , i guess i have a natural eye for this stuff ,they chose me , i didnt chose them or this , im not boasting im just honest , im getting this anaylized ,im provinv a civil conspiracy , im just waiting to see the bogus reasons such as precrime , or disrupting interstate commerse, or im a pervert, all i know is i lost my job of 15 years getting dhe shaft , then to have this is frigging unbelievable , but im proud of my self most would be dead or would of lost their cool and retaliated, which would of gave them the bogus person tbey created, to be frank i am a very sharped tongue person and i do see that coming to play o yeah i had a wierd nail with a threat letter pounded on my cedar siding look at the picture