we are all very indebted to you for creating a forum where mind control victims can speak about our problems.It was actually your blogs on my.barackobama.com that gave me idea of posting there. Since you have written so many blogs there and you have been writing there for a long time, is it possible that you can raise this issue that my blogs be restored there or you could post them in a blog of your own. As you would have read my blogs that were removed from my.barackobama.com and that I pasted in my post in this forum, there was nothing objectionable. It is really unimaginable for me that my blogs could be removed from a forum like my.barackobama.com. If our blogs are removed from such a forum, what expectations can we have from Barack Obama. I would request you to please look into whether something could be done to restore my blogs. If we do not speak, we continue to suffer.I would also request other readers of peacepink to see whether something can be done to restore my blogs there.