The Man on the Moon.
Let's study the project's etymology first:
The Greek god Apollo was leader of the nine Olympian Muses, who inspired the arts..
According to Pausanias there were three original Muses: Aoide (“song”, “voice”), Melete (“practice” or “occasion”) and Mneme (“memory”) (Paus. 9.29.1). Together, they form the complete picture of the preconditions of poetic art in cult practice.
Clio (kleos(glory) / kleiein (to celebrate) / Celebration/Fame) – history.
Thalia (thallein (to bloom), Festivity) – comedy.
Erato (eros (love) Lovely One) – love poetry.
Euterpe (Delight) – music.
Polyhymnia (poly (many) and hymnos (hymn) or mnasthai (to remember) Many Songed/Hymned) – sacred poetry. (considered also as inventor of the lyre)
Calliope (Beautiful Voice) – epic poetry. (Mother of Orpheus)
Terpsichore (Delight of dancing/choruses) – dance.
Urania (ouranos (sky) Heavenly One) – astronomy.
Melpomene (melpein (to sing) the Singing goddess) – tragedy.
PS: It is funny to see that the word “demon” (δαίμων) in ancient Greek was supposed to mean ‘the one who distributes [faith/luck/genius/invention]‘ so in a way Demon was the one who was giving the ‘faith’ (talent) to people.
This is what the technology allows the puppet masters to play with(launched via "Apollo 11"):
Aoide (“song”, “voice”)
Melete (“practice” or “occasion”)
Mneme (“memory”) (Paus. 9.29.1).
1. The VOICE.
No, THEY ARE (the puppetmasters) the voice.
Wait, let me clear it out.
Let's go back to this first:
The Ankh. The Key of the NILE.
Muses. MUSAE (Mousai). Moses. The child found in the river of NILE. Symbolic. Wordplay.
The Ankh dictated the path our lives would traverse. The ANKH has allowed us o become the voice.
OUR VOICE, they are transmitted and received by the people behind the curtain via satellite technology via the microphone on the ankle or the heel or the calf (wherever they placed it on the victim).
This is transmitted to the puppetmasters, before they are thrown back to the people in our midst, which allows them to augment reality - intersperse their message and THEIR VOICE so what will be propagated would be what they want the listeners to believe not what you actually said.
So do not wonder why you are always misinterpreted, they are actually receiving THEIR VOICE, not yours (yours is the sound, the inflection, the identifiable voice - but the message? It's actually already the augmented version of it.
You wonder how it can be done?
The same way your text messages or your phone calls will be transmitted to a central server first before it will reach the cellphone of the person sitting beside you.
It goes right to the satellite controller first - their mainframe - before it is sent to you.