Once casted into the bull. A torturing device that a system desires to recreate in the mind. They are driving to receive the same power as practiced by Roman Greek Rulers that used a furnace to cast families into. They are entertained by the cries of the needy and get a thrill of ignoring the faithful. They follow their genealogy's and are ecstatic to find that they are close of kin and they could just feel it in their veins. A vanity so detestable in the eyes of the Lord. A practicing rejoice that they had found their will to follow for their enchanting life of their divination. They grow meaner and colder and are never warmed by the grace of the light that we die for and are with. The light of sacrifice the life of eternity our Christ the God that remained.
The Brazen Bull
Posted by 007 on December 5, 2010 at 8:28am