The CIA real boss is determined to kill us to rewrite CIA history, so that he can produce a legacy for himself. There is no other purpose. All is about deleting those who know secrets and how to delete those traces with low cost.
There is no negotiation, no discussion or anything really going on. It is only about how to fool us and how to delete us as CIA traces with low cost. We are all the traces. CIA employees and human-robots who know secrets are the traces of what really happened. To rewrite CIA history, the boss has to kill us. There is zero other possibility. Everyone is consistent. The real boss is also consistent. Check the CIA history to find how your boss deleted the other traces after finishing a so called project. No one could be possibly alive because CIA’s real boss is still the same boss. His original plan is to delete every trace and only himself and very few family members know the secrets.
Telling the CIA boss it is not sustainable is completely useless, as he already passed the age to really learn anything. There are rules in nature. It is impossible to persuade certain people when they are holding power, especially for those who are not young any more. Never trust what they say, only observe what they are really doing.
I'm being killed secretly far far away from "80% population knowing the secrets (Remote surgery and remote mind control)", which was the only thing what I wanted when CIA asked me "What do you want?" Same thing will happen to you American morons. You will also be killed without getting anything as what your boss promised. You are also traces that have to be deleted to rewrite CIA history that would benefit your boss in recent years (He would never believe that is not sustainable. Many people had tried to persuade Hitler. He did not stop doing any bad things. He did not stop killing Jews and all the other killings.). Everyone is consistent. Everything is consistent. If you dream we could be allowed to be alive, you are really genetic moron who does not know any rules in nature.
Killing killers who do not stop kiling is saving lives!