It was written by Albert Pike that humanity would have 3 world wars. The crisis in the middleeast shall spark the massive slaughter of billions. When is Israel going to strike Iran? It is all staged and scripted by the so called Elites and Illuminati. War is profitable and it goes hand in hand with their Agenda 21 depopulation. Just check out all the Fema Camps and Coffins in the USA. This world is going to go through a very rough phase. They have currency wars, trade wars, weather manipulation, and all this crap is getting thrown at us so we are overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Soon they will be dropping bombs, biochemical warfare, and what not to scare the population. Martial law will be in effect and that will suck. It's almost here and it doesn't take a genius to figure all this out.We are going to get nuked like never before. The environment will suffer and so will the survivors of this Hell on Earth. Time is running out! Enjoy your life while you still can. Peace out and take care.
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