The real name is Community Policing Members. They call it proactive pursuit of people they believe to be criminals. Organized Stalking in the USA is really the C.O.P.S. program run by the Department of Justice. The idea is two harass the victim to commit a crime. Look up the Department of Justice they tell you what they do. They show some of the weapons they use, this thing blinds the victim to the laser with light and then fires the laser at the victim, that is why you cannot see the laser. There are sound devise they use (LRAD) that’s fits in a briefcase now, along with some other devices. There are different divisions and one is domestic abuse. So if any one has ever made a claim against you or one of your friends, you can be stalked. It has been around since 1990 at lest or older. I can trace it back to 1991 for sure in my case. The police keep a list of people they consider criminals, never convicted, or career criminals. Anyone ever accused of any kind of abuse. They will stalk friend ,family, at work, on vacation. 24/7 they tell their people the victim is the worst criminal in the world and needs to be in jail. What they really do is to set up a situation where there are five to ten of them as witness and try to pick a fight with you. Then you can be arrested, two or three times to get you a career criminal record, if you own a gun they will set up to kill you if they think you killed or will kill one of their people, they use six under cover cops on a dark street to pull you over, while shooting you with a devise that makes most people paranoid so you will pull that gun and they shoot to death. Last week again they shoot a man going to work over some traffic stop. I live in new Orleans, Louisiana area. If you own any kind of a gun get rid of it, they will kill you. This is planed murder by the police departments. The local courts, judges protect this operation, that’s how they get away with it. This happens all over the country. No one has ever been convicted for this operation in 22 years. There are some 2 million people involved nationwide.
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