The covid-19 vaccine gives total control of your physical body to agents of the new world order. Most but not all members of the New World Order are Luciferians, Satanists and Ultra Zionists. The vaccine contains an intra body nano network so that your brain and body will be linked to a computerized control system and by that means every aspect of your brain and body can be monitored and eventually controlled. It is outright enslavement. I know about it because I am already partially enslaved by this system. We aught to have all transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned now in order to save ourselves from enslavement. The problem with that excellent idea is that many of those who are in positions of authority in governments and main stream media are having waves of very very low frequencies transmitted into their brains which make them unable to think clearly and the thought which they think are their own are in fact externally transmitted thoughts. Thoughts will be transmitted into their brains to make them refuse to have microwave tranmsitters disassembled and banned. Those who are most vulnerable to mass mind control are those who watch television, visit the cinema, attend large gatherings such as music festivals, football stadiums and church and also those who spend their entire day bathed in artificial electromagnetic frequencies which come from smart phones are smart watche which they keep on their persons throughout each day. Please check out the following online link for more information on intra body nano networks. Please share this post widely.
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