They are destroying our very thought patterns and memories, the very way our minds function.

They are "programming" routines in for activities you perform.  If you have sex they program a "sex" program, they will then activate this program in their own retard brains off of your thoughts (unless you become really hated like I am) and then run it in their own minds as well as yours at the same time.

This gives the retards the illusion that they are thinking, and that they are performing the action for you.  If you progress to the more hated stage, as I have, then they will DESTROY your own natural thought processes and have them COMPLETELY replaced by these programs so the retards will truly BELIEVE they are doing it for you and HAVE ALWAYS done it for you.

They market this and "targeted individuals" as a form of entertainment.  They build up their egos and are entertained as well as brainwashed at the same time.  They sit there programming human minds as if they are a computer.

They began HATING me, because these cyborg retards attempted to compete with me in video games.  They were completely unable to do so.   I crushed them over and over.  So they conspired to destroy not only myself, but my reputation and my Mother.  They have no morals.  They've gone so far as to claim that my family line is a "synthetic human line" in this "simulation."

All of these retards have bought into the simulation argument.  They don't question it.

I used to watch a lot of videos on youtube of all sorts of games.  I just sat down moments ago to watch a modern warfare 2 video.  I couldn't process anything going on, visually or otherwise as I watched it.   One of the perps muttered "I don't understand what's going on, who used to do this for him?"

They are completely fucking RETARDED. They have been given "godlike" power and they have the innate mind of a fucking chimpanzee.  This is your "normal human" in today's society.

I had an MRI done (they did everything they could basically to stop me from getting it) showing I actually have an EXCEPTIONAL brain, not a normal brain.  They of course claim it doesn't matter at all, and that I have mental illness despite having no physical structural abnormalities of any kind.  Yet these retards that believe (TRULY BELIEVE) that they are "doing it" for me, believed 100% all the lies about the mental illnesses that I supposedly had.  They've claimed I was born retarded, that I'm psychopathic, schizophrenic, PTSD, depression etc etc.

My cognitive abilities have declined by over 80%, but this has nothing to do with the physical structure of my brain.  They somehow have the ability to force information into my mind and have done so to such a degree that my own consciousness can no longer fully interact with my own mind.  It doesn't function at all and now I basically am TRAPPED WITH these psychopathic RETARDS "doing it for me."

It reminds me of a video I saw long ago of a Ted Talks lady, building up the egos of children and adults (mostly children) by having them play games like world of warcraft, where they could get rewards they normally would be unable to get.  This seems to be an extension of that.  Destroy a truly gifted intellectual mind, and replace it with artificial functionality.  Claim that these born retarded or at best AVERAGE individuals are actually doing everything for that individual (all targets) and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.

If anyone reads this and knows which lady I'm talking about, please let me know.  I have a feeling this psychopath has been involved in this.  She loves building up the egos of the mentally limited.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The lower the intellect of someone given power, the greater their ego will become.  This power that the non targets have been given is the most power they have ever seen.  They ACTUALLY BELIEVE they are LIVING GODS.  They expect to be WORSHIPED like living gods, and they expect to be OBEYED as if they were gods.

They are NOT gods, they do not BELONG to god, they serve the god of this world, SATAN.  These BEAST WORSHIPERS do not even HAVE THE POWER THEMSELVES.

This power, if you are reading it perp, doesn't even EXIST WITHIN YOURSELF, you do NOT possess it.  They try and make you BELIEVE that you have a godlike powerful mind.  It is done TO YOU outside of you.  YOU DON'T HAVE POWER.  Satan and the Beast GIVE YOU THIS POWER.  You THINK you have it, you FEEL you have it, you KNOW you have it and use it.  It is done FOR you.

They USE you, you don't have ANYTHING you don't DO anything.  Everytime a perp says they are "doing this" or "doing that" as if they are experimenting, they are NOT.  This is some poor RETARD being used by someone who DOES have power.  They THINK they are doing what they tell you they are, they're being built into ego driven retards that BELIEVE they are gods.

if you are a REAL target and not a fucking perp (I have a feeling I am the last) then it is because you are VASTLY more intelligent than they are.  They have AUGMENTATION, they don't have REAL INTELLECT.  They are still LIMITED by their own minds.  They are pathetic creatures being used almost as avatars, as bodies, through which the real evil works.

Do NOT feel sorry for them however, they have CHOSEN to be like that.  They CHOSE to be evil, to BELIEVE they have power, that's part of how it works.  They chose moment by moment as their overlords "instructed" them in the usage of their "new powers."  They believe fully that they ARE doing it with THEIR power and they LOVE hurting you, using you, reprogramming you, "doing it for you."

They all deserve to be tortured MORE than we have.  We are INNOCENT.  I have done NOTHING and this is also why Satan targets me.  Why he has his minions target me.  Satan's brainwashed legion cannot be stopped.   NEVER try to reason with them, never SPEAK ONE WORD to them.  It's like talking to something that doesn't really exist.  You might THINK you're speaking to something or someone, but really you're speaking into an empty void that believes it exists.  I feel like I'm being turned INTO one of these, but I know God exists and that he loves me.

God does not love a SINGLE PERP.  NOBODY who has EVER touched the mind of someone with this power will EVER go to heaven or escape hell.  They can NEVER BE REDEEMED.  USING THIS "TECHNOLOGY" is the mark of the  beast.   NOT using it means you die a slow painful death, perhaps even having your consciousness murdered PIECE BY PIECE as mine has been and continues to be murdered.

Once again, this is 99% of humanity.  Don't expect even basic human compassion.  You will only get illusion.  They're all demented evil and worthless pieces of trash.  You most likely are too if you're reading this.   Maybe not.  IF you are not then I apologize.

The only thing that one can claim as one's own anymore is MORALITY.  My morals are my own and they are superior because they come from GOD and the bible.  Without this I may have ended up as immoral as the rest.  Only those who are truly intelligent and moral, those who awaken to what is going on in the world get attacked to the degree that I have been.

One more thing, if you get diagnosed with a mental illness because of this and you believe it to be false.  GET A PRIVATE MRI (you will be  denied scans by the medical institutions) it costs a lot but it WILL give you piece of mind.  My MRI shows 100% that I have no structural abnormalities, all mental illnesses from what I've read present with structural abnormalities. (I have not been diagnosed with anything, FYI)

Those who have mental illness, you probably also are attacked anyways by these monsters.  They are more like animals than people, I have called them crocodiles before because that is how they think and behave.  If it weren't for their "stolen technology" they wouldn't even be able to FAKE being human.

Just to state it once again, they really ARE retards.  At best AVERAGE humans.  They have augmented psychopaths using them and their minds, making them THINK they are geniuses, or living gods even.  Once they think they are a living god, they are prodded to become as evil as possible by torturing and hurting innocent people like myself.  They can be given lies to make it happen, or they may just be sadistic enough to do it on their own.

You are at their mercy, and they have none.  Welcome to hell on earth.  Thankfully once we all die our individual deaths, we will receive our individual reward from God, or eternal punishment based on what we've done.

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