The divine right (rite) to rule is a false belief which has been programmed into cult member of a certain group. It has no basis in reality. Human beings are believed to have lived on planet earth for at least four thousand, five hundred million years according to some archaeologists whose work is being censored at this time. During that time, many individuals who wished to control other falsely claimed that they had a stronger connection with the intelligent energy of creation than all others and therefore should be allowed to control them. It is a method of manipulating others into handing over their autonomy to some ego maniac. The ego maniac who wishes to control others is often motivated to do so because he has a sense of low self worth and he needs to be in a position of power over others in order to boost his ego.
A truely strong man is emotionally autonomous. He does not need to control others to live his life. If fact he does not need the good opinion of others at all in order to live his life successfully